Hi all,

I have worked on the comments Mikael gave me. I am now checking for
class_pointer in the way he pointed out.

Furthermore did I *join the two parts* of the patch into this one, because
keeping both in sync was no benefit but only tedious and did not prove to be
reviewed faster.

Paul, Dominique: I have addressed the LOC issue that came up lately. Or rather
the patch addressed it already. I feel like this is not tested very well, not
the loc() call nor the sizeof() call as given in the 57305 second's download.
Unfortunately, is that download not runable. I would love to see a test similar
to that download, but couldn't come up with one, that satisfied me. Given that
the patch's review will last some days, I still have enough time to come up
with something beautiful which I will add then.

Bootstraps and regtests ok on x86_64-linux-gnu/F20.


On Tue, 24 Mar 2015 11:13:27 +0100
Paul Richard Thomas <paul.richard.tho...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Andre,
> Dominique pointed out to me that the 'loc' patch causes a ICE in the
> testsuite. It seems that 'loc' should provide the address of the class
> container in some places and the address of the data in others. I will
> put my thinking cap on tonight :-)
> Cheers
> Paul
> On 23 March 2015 at 13:43, Andre Vehreschild <ve...@gmx.de> wrote:
> > Hi Mikael,
> >
> > thanks for looking at the patch. Please note, that Paul has sent an
> > addendum to the patches for 60322, which I deliberately have attached.
> >
> >>  26/02/2015 18:17, Andre Vehreschild a écrit :
> >> > This first patch is only preparatory and does not change any of the
> >> > semantics of gfortran at all.
> >> Sure?
> >
> > With the counterexample you found below, this of course is a wrong
> > statement.
> >
> >> > diff --git a/gcc/fortran/expr.c b/gcc/fortran/expr.c
> >> > index ab6f7a5..d28cf77 100644
> >> > --- a/gcc/fortran/expr.c
> >> > +++ b/gcc/fortran/expr.c
> >> > @@ -4059,10 +4060,10 @@ gfc_lval_expr_from_sym (gfc_symbol *sym)
> >> >    lval->symtree = gfc_find_symtree (sym->ns->sym_root, sym->name);
> >> >
> >> >    /* It will always be a full array.  */
> >> > -  lval->rank = sym->as ? sym->as->rank : 0;
> >> > +  as = sym->as;
> >> > +  lval->rank = as ? as->rank : 0;
> >> >    if (lval->rank)
> >> > -    gfc_add_full_array_ref (lval, sym->ts.type == BT_CLASS ?
> >> > -                       CLASS_DATA (sym)->as : sym->as);
> >> > +    gfc_add_full_array_ref (lval, as);
> >>
> >> This is a change of semantics.  Or do you know that sym->ts.type !=
> >> BT_CLASS?
> >
> > You are completely right. I have made a mistake here. I have to tell the
> > truth, I never ran a regtest with only part 1 of the patches applied. The
> > second part of the patch will correct this, by setting the variable as
> > depending on whether type == BT_CLASS or not. Sorry for the mistake.
> >
> >> > diff --git a/gcc/fortran/trans-decl.c b/gcc/fortran/trans-decl.c
> >> > index 3664824..e571a17 100644
> >> > --- a/gcc/fortran/trans-decl.c
> >> > +++ b/gcc/fortran/trans-decl.c
> >> > @@ -1013,16 +1017,24 @@ gfc_build_dummy_array_decl (gfc_symbol * sym,
> >> > tree dummy) tree decl;
> >> >    tree type;
> >> >    gfc_array_spec *as;
> >> > +  symbol_attribute *array_attr;
> >> >    char *name;
> >> >    gfc_packed packed;
> >> >    int n;
> >> >    bool known_size;
> >> >
> >> > -  if (sym->attr.pointer || sym->attr.allocatable
> >> > -      || (sym->as && sym->as->type == AS_ASSUMED_RANK))
> >> > +  /* Use the array as and attr.  */
> >> > +  as = sym->as;
> >> > +  array_attr = &sym->attr;
> >> > +
> >> > +  /* The pointer attribute is always set on a _data component, therefore
> >> > check
> >> > +     the sym's attribute only.  */
> >> > +  if (sym->attr.pointer || array_attr->allocatable
> >> > +      || (as && as->type == AS_ASSUMED_RANK))
> >> >      return dummy;
> >> >
> >> Any reason to sometimes use array_attr, sometimes not, like here?
> >> By the way, the comment is misleading: for classes, there is the
> >> class_pointer attribute (and it is a pain, I know).
> >
> > Yes, and a good one. Array_attr is sometimes sym->attr and sometimes
> > CLASS_DATA(sym)->attr aka sym->ts.u.derived->components->attr. In the later
> > case .pointer is always set to 1 in the _data component's attr. I.e., the
> > above if, would always yield true for a class_array, which is not intended,
> > but rather destructive. I know about the class_pointer attribute, but I
> > figured, that it is not relevant here. Any idea how to formulate the
> > comment better, to reflect what I just explained?
> >
> > Regards,
> >         Andre
> > --
> > Andre Vehreschild * Email: vehre ad gmx dot de
> >
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: Paul Richard Thomas <paul.richard.tho...@gmail.com>
> > To: Andre Vehreschild <ve...@gmx.de>, Dominique Dhumieres
> > <domi...@lps.ens.fr> Cc:
> > Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2015 21:20:20 +0100
> > Subject: Bug in intrinsic LOC for scalar class objects
> > Dear Andre and Dominique,
> >
> > I have found that LOC is returning the address of the class container
> > rather than the _data component for class scalars. See the source
> > below, which you will recognise! A fix is attached.
> >
> > Note that the scalar allocate fails with MOLD= and so I substituted SOURCE=.
> >
> > Cheers
> >
> > Paul
> >
> >     class(*), allocatable :: a(:), e ! Change 'e' to an array and
> > second memcpy works correctly
> >                                      ! Problem is with loc(e), which
> > returns the address of the
> >                                      ! class container.
> >     allocate (e, source = 99.0)
> >     allocate (a(2), source = [1.0, 2.0])
> >     call add_element_poly (a,e)
> >     select type (a)
> >       type is (real)
> >         print *, a
> >     end select
> >
> > contains
> >
> >     subroutine add_element_poly(a,e)
> >       use iso_c_binding
> >       class(*),allocatable,intent(inout),target :: a(:)
> >       class(*),intent(in),target :: e
> >       class(*),allocatable,target :: tmp(:)
> >       type(c_ptr) :: dummy
> >
> >       interface
> >         function memcpy(dest,src,n) bind(C,name="memcpy") result(res)
> >           import
> >           type(c_ptr) :: res
> >           integer(c_intptr_t),value :: dest
> >           integer(c_intptr_t),value :: src
> >           integer(c_size_t),value :: n
> >         end function
> >       end interface
> >
> >       if (.not.allocated(a)) then
> >         allocate(a(1), source=e)
> >       else
> >         allocate(tmp(size(a)),source=a)
> >         deallocate(a)
> >         allocate(a(size(tmp)+1),source=e) ! mold gives a segfault
> >         dummy = memcpy(loc(a(1)),loc(tmp),sizeof(tmp))
> >         dummy = memcpy(loc(a(size(tmp)+1)),loc(e),sizeof(e))
> >       end if
> >     end subroutine
> > end
> >

Andre Vehreschild * Email: vehre ad gmx dot de 

Attachment: pr60322_4.clog
Description: Binary data

diff --git a/gcc/fortran/expr.c b/gcc/fortran/expr.c
index 65495d2..7f3a59d 100644
--- a/gcc/fortran/expr.c
+++ b/gcc/fortran/expr.c
@@ -4060,7 +4060,7 @@ gfc_lval_expr_from_sym (gfc_symbol *sym)
   lval->symtree = gfc_find_symtree (sym->ns->sym_root, sym->name);
   /* It will always be a full array.  */
-  as = sym->ts.type == BT_CLASS ? CLASS_DATA (sym)->as : sym->as;
+  as = IS_CLASS_ARRAY (sym) ? CLASS_DATA (sym)->as : sym->as;
   lval->rank = as ? as->rank : 0;
   if (lval->rank)
     gfc_add_full_array_ref (lval, as);
diff --git a/gcc/fortran/gfortran.h b/gcc/fortran/gfortran.h
index 8e6595f..901a1c0 100644
--- a/gcc/fortran/gfortran.h
+++ b/gcc/fortran/gfortran.h
@@ -3206,6 +3206,11 @@ bool gfc_is_finalizable (gfc_symbol *, gfc_expr **);
 	 && CLASS_DATA (sym) \
 	 && CLASS_DATA (sym)->ts.u.derived \
 	 && CLASS_DATA (sym)->ts.u.derived->attr.unlimited_polymorphic)
+#define IS_CLASS_ARRAY(sym) \
+	(sym->ts.type == BT_CLASS \
+	 && CLASS_DATA (sym) \
+	 && CLASS_DATA (sym)->attr.dimension \
+	 && !CLASS_DATA (sym)->attr.class_pointer)
 /* frontend-passes.c */
diff --git a/gcc/fortran/trans-array.c b/gcc/fortran/trans-array.c
index afe73a9..0804d45 100644
--- a/gcc/fortran/trans-array.c
+++ b/gcc/fortran/trans-array.c
@@ -2495,11 +2495,14 @@ gfc_add_loop_ss_code (gfc_loopinfo * loop, gfc_ss * ss, bool subscript,
 	  /* Scalar argument to elemental procedure.  */
 	  gfc_init_se (&se, NULL);
-	  if (ss_info->can_be_null_ref)
+	  if (ss_info->can_be_null_ref || (expr->symtree
+			     && (expr->symtree->n.sym->ts.type == BT_DERIVED
+				 || expr->symtree->n.sym->ts.type == BT_CLASS)))
 	      /* If the actual argument can be absent (in other words, it can
 		 be a NULL reference), don't try to evaluate it; pass instead
-		 the reference directly.  */
+		 the reference directly.  The reference is also needed when
+		 expr is of type class or derived.  */
 	      gfc_conv_expr_reference (&se, expr);
@@ -3046,7 +3049,14 @@ build_class_array_ref (gfc_se *se, tree base, tree index)
 	return false;
   else if (class_ref == NULL)
-    decl = expr->symtree->n.sym->backend_decl;
+    {
+      decl = expr->symtree->n.sym->backend_decl;
+      /* For class arrays the tree containing the class is stored in
+	 GFC_DECL_SAVED_DESCRIPTOR of the sym's backend_decl.
+	 For all others it's sym's backend_decl directly.  */
+    }
       /* Remove everything after the last class reference, convert the
@@ -3159,26 +3169,41 @@ build_array_ref (tree desc, tree offset, tree decl)
   tree tmp;
   tree type;
+  tree cdecl;
+  bool classarray = false;
+  /* For class arrays the class declaration is stored in the saved
+     descriptor.  */
+  if (INDIRECT_REF_P (desc)
+    cdecl = gfc_class_data_get (GFC_DECL_SAVED_DESCRIPTOR (
+				  TREE_OPERAND (desc, 0)));
+  else
+    cdecl = desc;
   /* Class container types do not always have the GFC_CLASS_TYPE_P
      but the canonical type does.  */
-      && TREE_CODE (desc) == COMPONENT_REF)
+      && TREE_CODE (cdecl) == COMPONENT_REF)
-      type = TREE_TYPE (TREE_OPERAND (desc, 0));
+      type = TREE_TYPE (TREE_OPERAND (cdecl, 0));
       if (TYPE_CANONICAL (type)
-	type = TYPE_CANONICAL (type);
+	{
+	  type = TREE_TYPE (desc);
+	  classarray = true;
+	}
     type = NULL;
   /* Class array references need special treatment because the assigned
      type size needs to be used to point to the element.  */
-  if (type && GFC_CLASS_TYPE_P (type))
+  if (classarray)
-      type = gfc_get_element_type (TREE_TYPE (desc));
-      tmp = TREE_OPERAND (desc, 0);
+      type = gfc_get_element_type (type);
+      tmp = TREE_OPERAND (cdecl, 0);
       tmp = gfc_get_class_array_ref (offset, tmp);
       tmp = fold_convert (build_pointer_type (type), tmp);
       tmp = build_fold_indirect_ref_loc (input_location, tmp);
@@ -5570,7 +5595,7 @@ gfc_trans_array_cobounds (tree type, stmtblock_t * pblock,
   gfc_se se;
   gfc_array_spec *as;
-  as = sym->as;
+  as = IS_CLASS_ARRAY (sym) ? CLASS_DATA (sym)->as : sym->as;
   for (dim = as->rank; dim < as->rank + as->corank; dim++)
@@ -5613,7 +5638,7 @@ gfc_trans_array_bounds (tree type, gfc_symbol * sym, tree * poffset,
   int dim;
-  as = sym->as;
+  as = IS_CLASS_ARRAY (sym) ? CLASS_DATA (sym)->as : sym->as;
   size = gfc_index_one_node;
   offset = gfc_index_zero_node;
@@ -5901,12 +5926,16 @@ gfc_trans_dummy_array_bias (gfc_symbol * sym, tree tmpdesc,
   int no_repack;
   bool optional_arg;
   gfc_array_spec *as;
+  bool is_classarray = IS_CLASS_ARRAY (sym);
   /* Do nothing for pointer and allocatable arrays.  */
-  if (sym->attr.pointer || sym->attr.allocatable)
+  if ((sym->ts.type != BT_CLASS && sym->attr.pointer)
+      || (sym->ts.type == BT_CLASS && CLASS_DATA (sym)->attr.class_pointer)
+      || sym->attr.allocatable
+      || (is_classarray && CLASS_DATA (sym)->attr.allocatable))
-  if (sym->attr.dummy && gfc_is_nodesc_array (sym))
+  if (!is_classarray && sym->attr.dummy && gfc_is_nodesc_array (sym))
       gfc_trans_g77_array (sym, block);
@@ -5919,8 +5948,13 @@ gfc_trans_dummy_array_bias (gfc_symbol * sym, tree tmpdesc,
   type = TREE_TYPE (tmpdesc);
   gcc_assert (GFC_ARRAY_TYPE_P (type));
   dumdesc = GFC_DECL_SAVED_DESCRIPTOR (tmpdesc);
-  dumdesc = build_fold_indirect_ref_loc (input_location, dumdesc);
-  as = sym->as;
+  if (is_classarray)
+    /* For a class array the dummy array descriptor is in the _class
+       component.  */
+    dumdesc = gfc_class_data_get (dumdesc);
+  else
+    dumdesc = build_fold_indirect_ref_loc (input_location, dumdesc);
+  as = IS_CLASS_ARRAY (sym) ? CLASS_DATA (sym)->as : sym->as;
   gfc_start_block (&init);
   if (sym->ts.type == BT_CHARACTER
@@ -6791,6 +6825,7 @@ gfc_conv_expr_descriptor (gfc_se *se, gfc_expr *expr)
       tree from;
       tree to;
       tree base;
+      bool onebased = false;
       ndim = info->ref ? info->ref->u.ar.dimen : ss->dimen;
@@ -6932,6 +6967,7 @@ gfc_conv_expr_descriptor (gfc_se *se, gfc_expr *expr)
 				    gfc_array_index_type, to, tmp);
 	      from = gfc_index_one_node;
+	  onebased = integer_onep (from);
 	  gfc_conv_descriptor_lbound_set (&loop.pre, parm,
 					  gfc_rank_cst[dim], from);
@@ -6988,13 +7024,27 @@ gfc_conv_expr_descriptor (gfc_se *se, gfc_expr *expr)
 	gfc_get_dataptr_offset (&loop.pre, parm, desc, offset,
 				subref_array_target, expr);
-      if (((se->direct_byref || GFC_ARRAY_TYPE_P (TREE_TYPE (desc)))
-	   && !se->data_not_needed)
-	  || (se->use_offset && base != NULL_TREE))
+      /* Force the offset to be -1, when the lower bound of the highest
+	 dimension is one and the symbol is present and is not a
+	 pointer/allocatable or associated.  */
+      if (onebased && se->use_offset
+	  && expr->symtree
+	  && !expr->symtree->n.sym->attr.allocatable
+	  && !expr->symtree->n.sym->attr.pointer
+	  && !expr->symtree->n.sym->attr.host_assoc
+	  && !expr->symtree->n.sym->attr.use_assoc)
-	  /* Set the offset.  */
-	  gfc_conv_descriptor_offset_set (&loop.pre, parm, base);
+	  /* Set the offset to -1.  */
+	  mpz_t minus_one;
+	  mpz_init_set_si (minus_one, -1);
+	  tmp = gfc_conv_mpz_to_tree (minus_one, gfc_index_integer_kind);
+	  gfc_conv_descriptor_offset_set (&loop.pre, parm, tmp);
+      else if (((se->direct_byref || GFC_ARRAY_TYPE_P (TREE_TYPE (desc)))
+		&& !se->data_not_needed)
+	       || (se->use_offset && base != NULL_TREE))
+	/* Set the offset depending on base.  */
+	gfc_conv_descriptor_offset_set (&loop.pre, parm, base);
 	  /* Only the callee knows what the correct offset it, so just set
diff --git a/gcc/fortran/trans-decl.c b/gcc/fortran/trans-decl.c
index d3fcdd1..895733b 100644
--- a/gcc/fortran/trans-decl.c
+++ b/gcc/fortran/trans-decl.c
@@ -814,10 +814,11 @@ gfc_build_qualified_array (tree decl, gfc_symbol * sym)
   gfc_namespace* procns;
   symbol_attribute *array_attr;
   gfc_array_spec *as;
+  bool is_classarray = IS_CLASS_ARRAY (sym);
   type = TREE_TYPE (decl);
-  array_attr = &sym->attr;
-  as = sym->as;
+  array_attr = is_classarray ? &CLASS_DATA (sym)->attr : &sym->attr;
+  as = is_classarray ? CLASS_DATA (sym)->as : sym->as;
   /* We just use the descriptor, if there is one.  */
   if (GFC_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_P (type))
@@ -1023,14 +1024,19 @@ gfc_build_dummy_array_decl (gfc_symbol * sym, tree dummy)
   gfc_packed packed;
   int n;
   bool known_size;
+  bool is_classarray = IS_CLASS_ARRAY (sym);
   /* Use the array as and attr.  */
-  as = sym->as;
-  array_attr = &sym->attr;
-  /* The pointer attribute is always set on a _data component, therefore check
-     the sym's attribute only.  */
-  if (sym->attr.pointer || array_attr->allocatable
+  as = is_classarray ? CLASS_DATA (sym)->as : sym->as;
+  array_attr = is_classarray ? &CLASS_DATA (sym)->attr : &sym->attr;
+  /* The dummy is returned for pointer, allocatable or assumed rank arrays.
+     The check for pointerness needs to be repeated here (it is done in
+     IS_CLASS_ARRAY (), too), because for class arrays that are pointers, as
+     is the one of the sym, which is incorrect here.  */
+  if ((sym->ts.type != BT_CLASS && sym->attr.pointer)
+      || (sym->ts.type == BT_CLASS && CLASS_DATA (sym)->attr.class_pointer)
+      || array_attr->allocatable
       || (as && as->type == AS_ASSUMED_RANK))
     return dummy;
@@ -1039,24 +1045,27 @@ gfc_build_dummy_array_decl (gfc_symbol * sym, tree dummy)
   if (sym->attr.result || sym->attr.dummy)
     gfc_defer_symbol_init (sym);
-  type = TREE_TYPE (dummy);
+  /* For a class array the array descriptor is in the _data component, while
+     for a regular array the TREE_TYPE of the dummy is a pointer to the
+     descriptor.  */
+  type = TREE_TYPE (is_classarray ? gfc_class_data_get (dummy)
+				  : TREE_TYPE (dummy));
+  /* type now is the array descriptor w/o any indirection.  */
   gcc_assert (TREE_CODE (dummy) == PARM_DECL
-	  && POINTER_TYPE_P (type));
+	  && POINTER_TYPE_P (TREE_TYPE (dummy)));
   /* Do we know the element size?  */
   known_size = sym->ts.type != BT_CHARACTER
 	  || INTEGER_CST_P (sym->ts.u.cl->backend_decl);
-  if (known_size && !GFC_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_P (TREE_TYPE (type)))
+  if (known_size && !GFC_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_P (type))
       /* For descriptorless arrays with known element size the actual
          argument is sufficient.  */
-      gcc_assert (GFC_ARRAY_TYPE_P (type));
       gfc_build_qualified_array (dummy, sym);
       return dummy;
-  type = TREE_TYPE (type);
   if (GFC_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_P (type))
       /* Create a descriptorless array pointer.  */
@@ -1090,7 +1099,10 @@ gfc_build_dummy_array_decl (gfc_symbol * sym, tree dummy)
 	    packed = PACKED_PARTIAL;
-      type = gfc_typenode_for_spec (&sym->ts);
+      /* For classarrays the element type is required, but
+	 gfc_typenode_for_spec () returns the array descriptor.  */
+      type = is_classarray ? gfc_get_element_type (type)
+			   : gfc_typenode_for_spec (&sym->ts);
       type = gfc_get_nodesc_array_type (type, as, packed,
@@ -1440,13 +1452,30 @@ gfc_get_symbol_decl (gfc_symbol * sym)
 	  sym->backend_decl = decl;
+      /* Returning the descriptor for dummy class arrays is hazardous, because
+	 some caller is expecting an expression to apply the component refs to.
+	 Therefore the descriptor is only created and stored in
+	 sym->backend_decl's GFC_DECL_SAVED_DESCRIPTOR.  The caller is then
+	 responsible to extract it from there, when the descriptor is
+	 desired.  */
+      if (IS_CLASS_ARRAY (sym)
+	  && (!DECL_LANG_SPECIFIC (sym->backend_decl)
+	      || !GFC_DECL_SAVED_DESCRIPTOR (sym->backend_decl)))
+	{
+	  decl = gfc_build_dummy_array_decl (sym, sym->backend_decl);
+	  /* Prevent the dummy from being detected as unused if it is copied.  */
+	  if (sym->backend_decl != NULL && decl != sym->backend_decl)
+	    DECL_ARTIFICIAL (sym->backend_decl) = 1;
+	  sym->backend_decl = decl;
+	}
       TREE_USED (sym->backend_decl) = 1;
       if (sym->attr.assign && GFC_DECL_ASSIGN (sym->backend_decl) == 0)
 	  gfc_add_assign_aux_vars (sym);
-      if (sym->attr.dimension
+      if ((sym->attr.dimension || IS_CLASS_ARRAY (sym))
 	  && DECL_LANG_SPECIFIC (sym->backend_decl)
 	  && GFC_DECL_SAVED_DESCRIPTOR (sym->backend_decl)
 	  && DECL_CONTEXT (sym->backend_decl) != current_function_decl)
@@ -3987,14 +4016,16 @@ gfc_trans_deferred_vars (gfc_symbol * proc_sym, gfc_wrapped_block * block)
 		= gfc_class_set_static_fields (sym->backend_decl, vptr, tmp);
 	  TREE_CONSTANT (DECL_INITIAL (sym->backend_decl)) = 1;
-      else if (sym->attr.dimension || sym->attr.codimension)
+      else if (sym->attr.dimension || sym->attr.codimension
+	       || (IS_CLASS_ARRAY (sym) && !CLASS_DATA (sym)->attr.allocatable))
+	  bool is_classarray = IS_CLASS_ARRAY (sym);
 	  symbol_attribute *array_attr;
 	  gfc_array_spec *as;
 	  array_type tmp;
-	  array_attr = &sym->attr;
-	  as = sym->as;
+	  array_attr = is_classarray ? &CLASS_DATA (sym)->attr : &sym->attr;
+	  as = is_classarray ? CLASS_DATA (sym)->as : sym->as;
 	  /* Assumed-size Cray pointees need to be treated as AS_EXPLICIT.  */
 	  tmp = as->type;
 	  if (tmp == AS_ASSUMED_SIZE && as->cp_was_assumed)
@@ -4004,10 +4035,12 @@ gfc_trans_deferred_vars (gfc_symbol * proc_sym, gfc_wrapped_block * block)
 	    case AS_EXPLICIT:
 	      if (sym->attr.dummy || sym->attr.result)
 		gfc_trans_dummy_array_bias (sym, sym->backend_decl, block);
-	      /* In a class array the _data component always has the pointer
-		 attribute set.  Therefore only check for allocatable in the
-		 array attributes and for pointer in the symbol.  */
-	      else if (sym->attr.pointer || array_attr->allocatable)
+	      /* Allocatable and pointer arrays need to processed
+		 explicitly.  */
+	      else if ((sym->ts.type != BT_CLASS && sym->attr.pointer)
+		       || (sym->ts.type == BT_CLASS
+			   && CLASS_DATA (sym)->attr.class_pointer)
+		       || array_attr->allocatable)
 		  if (TREE_STATIC (sym->backend_decl))
@@ -4124,6 +4157,7 @@ gfc_trans_deferred_vars (gfc_symbol * proc_sym, gfc_wrapped_block * block)
+		  se.descriptor_only = 1;
 		  gfc_conv_expr (&se, e);
 		  descriptor = se.expr;
 		  se.expr = gfc_conv_descriptor_data_addr (se.expr);
diff --git a/gcc/fortran/trans-expr.c b/gcc/fortran/trans-expr.c
index 9bf976a..664c2c6 100644
--- a/gcc/fortran/trans-expr.c
+++ b/gcc/fortran/trans-expr.c
@@ -149,6 +149,11 @@ tree
 gfc_class_vptr_get (tree decl)
   tree vptr;
+  /* For class arrays decl may be a temporary descriptor handle, the vptr is
+     then available through the saved descriptor.  */
+  if (TREE_CODE (decl) == VAR_DECL && DECL_LANG_SPECIFIC (decl)
+    decl = GFC_DECL_SAVED_DESCRIPTOR (decl);
   if (POINTER_TYPE_P (TREE_TYPE (decl)))
     decl = build_fold_indirect_ref_loc (input_location, decl);
   vptr = gfc_advance_chain (TYPE_FIELDS (TREE_TYPE (decl)),
@@ -163,6 +168,11 @@ tree
 gfc_class_len_get (tree decl)
   tree len;
+  /* For class arrays decl may be a temporary descriptor handle, the len is
+     then available through the saved descriptor.  */
+  if (TREE_CODE (decl) == VAR_DECL && DECL_LANG_SPECIFIC (decl)
+    decl = GFC_DECL_SAVED_DESCRIPTOR (decl);
   if (POINTER_TYPE_P (TREE_TYPE (decl)))
     decl = build_fold_indirect_ref_loc (input_location, decl);
   len = gfc_advance_chain (TYPE_FIELDS (TREE_TYPE (decl)),
@@ -883,7 +893,11 @@ gfc_conv_class_to_class (gfc_se *parmse, gfc_expr *e, gfc_typespec class_ts,
   tmp = NULL_TREE;
   if (class_ref == NULL
 	&& e->symtree && e->symtree->n.sym->ts.type == BT_CLASS)
-    tmp = e->symtree->n.sym->backend_decl;
+    {
+      tmp = e->symtree->n.sym->backend_decl;
+    }
       /* Remove everything after the last class reference, convert the
@@ -918,6 +932,13 @@ gfc_conv_class_to_class (gfc_se *parmse, gfc_expr *e, gfc_typespec class_ts,
       tree tmp2;
       cond = gfc_conv_expr_present (e->symtree->n.sym);
+      /* parmse->pre may contain some preparatory instructions for the
+ 	 temporary array descriptor.  Those may only be executed when the
+	 optional argument is set, therefore add parmse->pre's instructions
+	 to block, which is later guarded by an if (optional_arg_given).  */
+      gfc_add_block_to_block (&parmse->pre, &block);
+      block.head = parmse->pre.head;
+      parmse->pre.head = NULL_TREE;
       tmp = gfc_finish_block (&block);
       if (optional_alloc_ptr)
@@ -1191,6 +1212,8 @@ gfc_trans_class_init_assign (gfc_code *code)
      been referenced.  */
   gfc_get_derived_type (rhs->ts.u.derived);
   gfc_add_def_init_component (rhs);
+  /* The _def_init is always scalar.  */
+  rhs->rank = 0;
   if (code->expr1->ts.type == BT_CLASS
 	&& CLASS_DATA (code->expr1)->attr.dimension)
@@ -2246,8 +2269,11 @@ gfc_conv_variable (gfc_se * se, gfc_expr * expr)
   bool return_value;
   bool alternate_entry;
   bool entry_master;
+  bool is_classarray;
+  bool first_time = true;
   sym = expr->symtree->n.sym;
+  is_classarray = IS_CLASS_ARRAY (sym);
   ss = se->ss;
   if (ss != NULL)
@@ -2351,9 +2377,24 @@ gfc_conv_variable (gfc_se * se, gfc_expr * expr)
       else if (!sym->attr.value)
+	  /* Dereference temporaries for class array dummy arguments.  */
+	  if (sym->attr.dummy && is_classarray
+	      && GFC_ARRAY_TYPE_P (TREE_TYPE (se->expr)))
+	    {
+	      if (!se->descriptor_only)
+		se->expr = GFC_DECL_SAVED_DESCRIPTOR (se->expr);
+	      se->expr = build_fold_indirect_ref_loc (input_location,
+						      se->expr);
+	    }
 	  /* Dereference non-character scalar dummy arguments.  */
 	  if (sym->attr.dummy && !sym->attr.dimension
-	      && !(sym->attr.codimension && sym->attr.allocatable))
+	      && !(sym->attr.codimension && sym->attr.allocatable)
+	      && (sym->ts.type != BT_CLASS
+		  || (!CLASS_DATA (sym)->attr.dimension
+		      && !(CLASS_DATA (sym)->attr.codimension
+			   && CLASS_DATA (sym)->attr.allocatable))))
 	    se->expr = build_fold_indirect_ref_loc (input_location,
@@ -2365,11 +2406,12 @@ gfc_conv_variable (gfc_se * se, gfc_expr * expr)
 	    se->expr = build_fold_indirect_ref_loc (input_location,
-	  /* Dereference non-character pointer variables.
+	  /* Dereference non-character, non-class pointer variables.
 	     These must be dummies, results, or scalars.  */
-	  if ((sym->attr.pointer || sym->attr.allocatable
-	       || gfc_is_associate_pointer (sym)
-	       || (sym->as && sym->as->type == AS_ASSUMED_RANK))
+	  if (!is_classarray
+	      && (sym->attr.pointer || sym->attr.allocatable
+		  || gfc_is_associate_pointer (sym)
+		  || (sym->as && sym->as->type == AS_ASSUMED_RANK))
 	      && (sym->attr.dummy
 		  || sym->attr.function
 		  || sym->attr.result
@@ -2377,6 +2419,32 @@ gfc_conv_variable (gfc_se * se, gfc_expr * expr)
 		      && (!sym->attr.codimension || !sym->attr.allocatable))))
 	    se->expr = build_fold_indirect_ref_loc (input_location,
+	  /* Now treat the class array pointer variables accordingly.  */
+	  else if (sym->ts.type == BT_CLASS
+		   && sym->attr.dummy
+		   && (CLASS_DATA (sym)->attr.dimension
+		       || CLASS_DATA (sym)->attr.codimension)
+		   && ((CLASS_DATA (sym)->as
+			&& CLASS_DATA (sym)->as->type == AS_ASSUMED_RANK)
+		       || CLASS_DATA (sym)->attr.allocatable
+		       || CLASS_DATA (sym)->attr.class_pointer))
+	    se->expr = build_fold_indirect_ref_loc (input_location,
+						se->expr);
+	  /* And the case where a non-dummy, non-result, non-function,
+	     non-allotable and non-pointer classarray is present.  This case was
+	     previously covered by the first if, but with introducing the
+	     condition !is_classarray there, that case has to be covered
+	     explicitly.  */
+	  else if (sym->ts.type == BT_CLASS
+		   && !sym->attr.dummy
+		   && !sym->attr.function
+		   && !sym->attr.result
+		   && (CLASS_DATA (sym)->attr.dimension
+		       || CLASS_DATA (sym)->attr.codimension)
+		   && !CLASS_DATA (sym)->attr.allocatable
+		   && !CLASS_DATA (sym)->attr.class_pointer)
+	    se->expr = build_fold_indirect_ref_loc (input_location,
+						se->expr);
       ref = expr->ref;
@@ -2414,6 +2482,18 @@ gfc_conv_variable (gfc_se * se, gfc_expr * expr)
+	  if (first_time && is_classarray && sym->attr.dummy
+	      && se->descriptor_only
+	      && !CLASS_DATA (sym)->attr.allocatable
+	      && !CLASS_DATA (sym)->attr.class_pointer
+	      && CLASS_DATA (sym)->as
+	      && CLASS_DATA (sym)->as->type != AS_ASSUMED_RANK
+	      && strcmp ("_data", ref->u.c.component->name) == 0)
+	    /* Skip the first ref of a _data component, because for class
+	       arrays that one is already done by introducing a temporary
+	       array descriptor.  */
+	    break;
 	  if (ref->u.c.sym->attr.extension)
 	    conv_parent_component_references (se, ref);
@@ -2433,6 +2513,7 @@ gfc_conv_variable (gfc_se * se, gfc_expr * expr)
 	  gcc_unreachable ();
+      first_time = false;
       ref = ref->next;
   /* Pointer assignment, allocation or pass by reference.  Arrays are handled
@@ -4559,7 +4640,19 @@ gfc_conv_procedure_call (gfc_se * se, gfc_symbol * sym,
 	  gfc_init_se (&parmse, se);
 	  parm_kind = ELEMENTAL;
-	  if (fsym && fsym->attr.value)
+	  /* For all value functions or polymorphic scalar non-pointer
+	     non-allocatable variables use the expression in e directly.  This
+	     ensures, that initializers of polymorphic entities are correctly
+	     copied.  */
+	  if (fsym && (fsym->attr.value
+		       || (e->expr_type == EXPR_VARIABLE
+			   && fsym->ts.type == BT_DERIVED
+			   && e->ts.type == BT_DERIVED
+			   && !e->ts.u.derived->attr.dimension
+			   && !e->rank
+			   && (!e->symtree
+			       || (!e->symtree->n.sym->attr.allocatable
+				   && !e->symtree->n.sym->attr.pointer)))))
 	    gfc_conv_expr (&parmse, e);
 	    gfc_conv_expr_reference (&parmse, e);
diff --git a/gcc/fortran/trans-intrinsic.c b/gcc/fortran/trans-intrinsic.c
index c4ccb7b..cb693c0 100644
--- a/gcc/fortran/trans-intrinsic.c
+++ b/gcc/fortran/trans-intrinsic.c
@@ -5921,8 +5921,17 @@ gfc_conv_intrinsic_sizeof (gfc_se *se, gfc_expr *expr)
   else if (arg->ts.type == BT_CLASS)
-      if (arg->rank)
+      /* For deferred length arrays, conv_expr_descriptor returns an
+	 indirect_ref to the component.  */
+      if (arg->rank < 0
+	  || (arg->rank > 0 && !VAR_P (argse.expr)
+	      && GFC_DECL_CLASS (TREE_OPERAND (argse.expr, 0))))
 	byte_size = gfc_class_vtab_size_get (TREE_OPERAND (argse.expr, 0));
+      else if (arg->rank > 0)
+	/* The scalarizer added an additional temp.  To get the class' vptr
+	   one has to look at the original backend_decl.  */
+	byte_size = gfc_class_vtab_size_get (
+	      GFC_DECL_SAVED_DESCRIPTOR (arg->symtree->n.sym->backend_decl));
 	byte_size = gfc_class_vtab_size_get (argse.expr);
@@ -6053,7 +6062,11 @@ gfc_conv_intrinsic_storage_size (gfc_se *se, gfc_expr *expr)
       gfc_conv_expr_descriptor (&argse, arg);
       if (arg->ts.type == BT_CLASS)
-	  tmp = gfc_class_vtab_size_get (TREE_OPERAND (argse.expr, 0));
+	  if (arg->rank > 0)
+	    tmp = gfc_class_vtab_size_get (
+		 GFC_DECL_SAVED_DESCRIPTOR (arg->symtree->n.sym->backend_decl));
+	  else
+	    tmp = gfc_class_vtab_size_get (TREE_OPERAND (argse.expr, 0));
 	  tmp = fold_convert (result_type, tmp);
 	  goto done;
diff --git a/gcc/fortran/trans-stmt.c b/gcc/fortran/trans-stmt.c
index a6fb52c..6ffae6e79e 100644
--- a/gcc/fortran/trans-stmt.c
+++ b/gcc/fortran/trans-stmt.c
@@ -1260,12 +1260,29 @@ trans_associate_var (gfc_symbol *sym, gfc_wrapped_block *block)
       gfc_init_se (&se, NULL);
       se.descriptor_only = 1;
-      gfc_conv_expr (&se, e);
+      /* In a select type the (temporary) associate variable shall point to
+	 a standart fortran array (lower bound == 1), but conv_expr ()
+	 just maps to the input array in the class object, whose lbound may
+	 be arbitrary.  conv_expr_descriptor solves this by inserting a
+	 temporary array descriptor.  */
+      gfc_conv_expr_descriptor (&se, e);
-      gcc_assert (GFC_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_P (TREE_TYPE (se.expr)));
+      gcc_assert (GFC_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_P (TREE_TYPE (se.expr))
+		  || GFC_ARRAY_TYPE_P (TREE_TYPE (se.expr)));
       gcc_assert (GFC_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_P (TREE_TYPE (sym->backend_decl)));
-      gfc_add_modify (&se.pre, sym->backend_decl, se.expr);
+      if (GFC_ARRAY_TYPE_P (TREE_TYPE (se.expr)))
+	{
+	  if (INDIRECT_REF_P (se.expr))
+	    tmp = TREE_OPERAND (se.expr, 0);
+	  else
+	    tmp = se.expr;
+	  gfc_add_modify (&se.pre, sym->backend_decl,
+			  gfc_class_data_get (GFC_DECL_SAVED_DESCRIPTOR (tmp)));
+	}
+      else
+	gfc_add_modify (&se.pre, sym->backend_decl, se.expr);
       if (unlimited)
@@ -1276,7 +1293,7 @@ trans_associate_var (gfc_symbol *sym, gfc_wrapped_block *block)
 			  gfc_get_dtype (TREE_TYPE (sym->backend_decl)));
-      gfc_add_init_cleanup (block, gfc_finish_block( &se.pre),
+      gfc_add_init_cleanup (block, gfc_finish_block (&se.pre),
 			    gfc_finish_block (&se.post));
@@ -1319,9 +1336,18 @@ trans_associate_var (gfc_symbol *sym, gfc_wrapped_block *block)
 	  if (need_len_assign)
-	      /* Get the _len comp from the target expr by stripping _data
-		 from it and adding component-ref to _len.  */
-	      tmp = gfc_class_len_get (TREE_OPERAND (target_expr, 0));
+	      if (e->symtree
+		  && DECL_LANG_SPECIFIC (e->symtree->n.sym->backend_decl)
+		 && GFC_DECL_SAVED_DESCRIPTOR (e->symtree->n.sym->backend_decl))
+		/* Use the original class descriptor stored in the saved
+		   descriptor to get the target_expr.  */
+		target_expr =
+		    GFC_DECL_SAVED_DESCRIPTOR (e->symtree->n.sym->backend_decl);
+	      else
+		/* Strip the _data component from the target_expr.  */
+		target_expr = TREE_OPERAND (target_expr, 0);
+	      /* Add a reference to the _len comp to the target expr.  */
+	      tmp = gfc_class_len_get (target_expr);
 	      /* Get the component-ref for the temp structure's _len comp.  */
 	      charlen = gfc_class_len_get (se.expr);
 	      /* Add the assign to the beginning of the the block...  */
diff --git a/gcc/fortran/trans-types.c b/gcc/fortran/trans-types.c
index 1838a2e..b9f662d 100644
--- a/gcc/fortran/trans-types.c
+++ b/gcc/fortran/trans-types.c
@@ -1290,14 +1290,17 @@ gfc_is_nodesc_array (gfc_symbol * sym)
   symbol_attribute *array_attr;
   gfc_array_spec *as;
+  bool is_classarray = IS_CLASS_ARRAY (sym);
-  array_attr = &sym->attr;
-  as = sym->as;
+  array_attr = is_classarray ? &CLASS_DATA (sym)->attr : &sym->attr;
+  as = is_classarray ? CLASS_DATA (sym)->as : sym->as;
   gcc_assert (array_attr->dimension || array_attr->codimension);
   /* We only want local arrays.  */
-  if (sym->attr.pointer || array_attr->allocatable)
+  if ((sym->ts.type != BT_CLASS && sym->attr.pointer)
+      || (sym->ts.type == BT_CLASS && CLASS_DATA (sym)->attr.class_pointer)
+      || array_attr->allocatable)
     return 0;
   /* We want a descriptor for associate-name arrays that do not have an
diff --git a/gcc/fortran/trans.c b/gcc/fortran/trans.c
index b7ec0e5..394745e 100644
--- a/gcc/fortran/trans.c
+++ b/gcc/fortran/trans.c
@@ -362,16 +362,23 @@ gfc_build_array_ref (tree base, tree offset, tree decl)
       if (GFC_DECL_CLASS (decl))
-	  /* Allow for dummy arguments and other good things.  */
-	  if (POINTER_TYPE_P (TREE_TYPE (decl)))
-	    decl = build_fold_indirect_ref_loc (input_location, decl);
-	  /* Check if '_data' is an array descriptor. If it is not,
-	     the array must be one of the components of the class object,
-	     so return a normal array reference.  */
-	  if (!GFC_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_P (TREE_TYPE (gfc_class_data_get (decl))))
-	    return build4_loc (input_location, ARRAY_REF, type, base,
-			       offset, NULL_TREE, NULL_TREE);
+	  /* When a temporary is in place for the class array, then the original
+	     class' declaration is stored in the saved descriptor.  */
+	    decl = GFC_DECL_SAVED_DESCRIPTOR (decl);
+	  else
+	    {
+	      /* Allow for dummy arguments and other good things.  */
+	      if (POINTER_TYPE_P (TREE_TYPE (decl)))
+		decl = build_fold_indirect_ref_loc (input_location, decl);
+	      /* Check if '_data' is an array descriptor.  If it is not,
+		 the array must be one of the components of the class object,
+		 so return a normal array reference.  */
+	      if (!GFC_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_P (TREE_TYPE (gfc_class_data_get (decl))))
+		return build4_loc (input_location, ARRAY_REF, type, base,
+				   offset, NULL_TREE, NULL_TREE);
+	    }
 	  span = gfc_class_vtab_size_get (decl);
diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/class_array_20.f03 b/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/class_array_20.f03
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c49f7d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/class_array_20.f03
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+! {dg-do run}
+! Test contributed by Thomas L. Clune via pr60322
+!                  and Antony Lewis via pr64692
+program class_array_20
+  implicit none
+  type Foo
+  end type
+  type(foo), dimension(2:3) :: arg
+  integer :: oneDarr(2)
+  integer :: twoDarr(2,3)
+  integer :: x, y
+  double precision :: P(2, 2)
+  ! Checking for PR/60322
+  call copyFromClassArray([Foo(), Foo()])
+  call copyFromClassArray(arg)
+  call copyFromClassArray(arg(:))
+  x= 3
+  y= 4
+  oneDarr = [x, y]
+  call W([x, y])
+  call W(oneDarr)
+  call W([3, 4])
+  twoDarr = reshape([3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7], [2, 3])
+  call WtwoD(twoDarr)
+  call WtwoD(reshape([3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7], [2, 3]))
+  ! Checking for PR/64692
+  P(1:2, 1) = [1.d0, 2.d0]
+  P(1:2, 2) = [3.d0, 4.d0]
+  call AddArray(P(1:2, 2))
+  subroutine copyFromClassArray(classarray)
+    class (Foo), intent(in) :: classarray(:)
+    if (lbound(classarray, 1) .ne. 1) call abort()
+    if (ubound(classarray, 1) .ne. 2) call abort()
+    if (size(classarray) .ne. 2) call abort()
+  end subroutine
+  subroutine AddArray(P)
+    class(*), target, intent(in) :: P(:)
+    class(*), pointer :: Pt(:)
+    allocate(Pt(1:size(P)), source= P)
+    select type (P)
+      type is (double precision)
+        if (abs(P(1)-3.d0) .gt. 1.d-8) call abort()
+        if (abs(P(2)-4.d0) .gt. 1.d-8) call abort()
+      class default
+        call abort()
+    end select
+    select type (Pt)
+      type is (double precision)
+        if (abs(Pt(1)-3.d0) .gt. 1.d-8) call abort()
+        if (abs(Pt(2)-4.d0) .gt. 1.d-8) call abort()
+      class default
+        call abort()
+    end select
+  end subroutine
+  subroutine W(ar)
+    class(*), intent(in) :: ar(:)
+    if (lbound(ar, 1) /= 1) call abort()
+    select type (ar)
+      type is (integer)
+        ! The indeces 1:2 are essential here, or else one would not
+        ! note, that the array internally starts at 0, although the
+        ! check for the lbound above went fine.
+        if (any (ar(1:2) .ne. [3, 4])) call abort()
+      class default
+        call abort()
+    end select
+  end subroutine
+  subroutine WtwoD(ar)
+    class(*), intent(in) :: ar(:,:)
+    if (any (lbound(ar) /= [1, 1])) call abort()
+    select type (ar)
+      type is (integer)
+        if (any (reshape(ar(1:2,1:3), [6]) .ne. [3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7])) &
+        call abort()
+      class default
+        call abort()
+    end select
+  end subroutine
+end program class_array_20
diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/finalize_10.f90 b/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/finalize_10.f90
index e042f11..32386ce 100644
--- a/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/finalize_10.f90
+++ b/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/finalize_10.f90
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ end subroutine foo
 ! Finalize CLASS + set default init
 ! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "y->_vptr->_final \\(&desc.\[0-9\]+, y->_vptr->_size, 0\\);" 1 "original" } }
 ! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump       "__builtin_memcpy \\(\\(void .\\) y->_data, \\(void .\\) y->_vptr->_def_init, \\((unsigned long|unsigned int|character\\(kind=4\\))\\) y->_vptr->_size\\);" "original" } }
-! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "x->_vptr->_final \\(&x->_data, x->_vptr->_size, 0\\);" 1 "original" } }
-! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "x->_vptr->_copy \\(x->_vptr->_def_init, &x->_data\\);" 1 "original" } }
+! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "x->_vptr->_final \\(&parm.\[0-9\]+, x->_vptr->_size, 0\\);" 1 "original" } }
+! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "x->_vptr->_copy \\(" 1 "original" } }
 ! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "parm.\[0-9\]+.data = \\(void \\*\\) &\\(\\*aa.\[0-9\]+\\)\\\[0\\\];" 1 "original" } }
diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/finalize_15.f90 b/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/finalize_15.f90
index 3c18b2a..d5ba28f 100644
--- a/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/finalize_15.f90
+++ b/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/finalize_15.f90
@@ -9,37 +9,37 @@ module m
   implicit none
   type t1
-    integer :: i
+    integer :: i = 1
     final :: fini_elem
   end type t1
   type, extends(t1) :: t1e
-    integer :: j
+    integer :: j = 11
     final :: fini_elem2
   end type t1e
   type t2
-    integer :: i
+    integer :: i = 2
     final :: fini_shape
   end type t2
   type, extends(t2) :: t2e
-    integer :: j
+    integer :: j = 22
     final :: fini_shape2
   end type t2e
   type t3
-    integer :: i
+    integer :: i = 3
     final :: fini_explicit
   end type t3
   type, extends(t3) :: t3e
-    integer :: j
+    integer :: j = 33
     final :: fini_explicit2
   end type t3e
@@ -204,31 +204,31 @@ program test
   select type(x)
     type is (t1e)
-      call check_val(x%i, 1)
-      call check_val(x%j, 100)
+      call check_val(x%i, 1, 1)
+      call check_val(x%j, 100, 11)
   end select
   select type(y)
     type is (t2e)
-      call check_val(y%i, 1)
-      call check_val(y%j, 100)
+      call check_val(y%i, 1, 2)
+      call check_val(y%j, 100, 22)
   end select
   select type(z)
     type is (t3e)
-      call check_val(z%i, 1)
-      call check_val(z%j, 100)
+      call check_val(z%i, 1, 3)
+      call check_val(z%j, 100, 33)
   end select
-  subroutine check_val(x, factor)
+  subroutine check_val(x, factor, val)
     integer :: x(:,:)
-    integer, value :: factor
+    integer, value :: factor, val
     integer :: i, j
     do i = 1, 10
       do j = 1, 10
         if (mod (j-1, 2) == 0 .and. mod (i-1, 3) == 0) then
-          if (x(j,i) /= (j + 100*i)*factor*(-13)) call abort ()
+          if (x(j,i) /= val) call abort ()
           if (x(j,i) /= (j + 100*i)*factor) call abort ()
         end if
diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/finalize_29.f08 b/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/finalize_29.f08
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f5f7424
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/finalize_29.f08
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+! {dg-do run}
+! Testcase contributed by Andre Vehreschild  <ve...@gcc.gnu.org>
+module module_finalize_29
+  implicit none
+  ! The type name is encoding the state of its finalizer being
+  ! elemental (second letter 'e'), or non-element (second letter 'n')
+  ! or array shaped (second letter 'a'), or shape-specific routine
+  ! (generic; second letter 'g'),
+  ! and whether the init-routine is elemental or not (third letter
+  ! either 'e' or 'n').
+  type ten
+    integer :: i = 40
+  contains
+    final :: ten_fin
+  end type ten
+  type tee
+    integer :: i = 41
+  contains
+    final :: tee_fin
+  end type tee
+  type tne
+    integer :: i = 42
+  contains
+    final :: tne_fin
+  end type tne
+  type tnn
+    integer :: i = 43
+  contains
+    final :: tnn_fin
+  end type tnn
+  type tae
+    integer :: i = 44
+  contains
+    final :: tae_fin
+  end type tae
+  type tan
+    integer :: i = 45
+  contains
+    final :: tan_fin
+  end type tan
+  type tge
+    integer :: i = 46
+  contains
+    final :: tge_scalar_fin, tge_array_fin
+  end type tge
+  type tgn
+    integer :: i = 47
+  contains
+    final :: tgn_scalar_fin, tgn_array_fin
+  end type tgn
+  integer :: ten_fin_counts, tee_fin_counts, tne_fin_counts, tnn_fin_counts
+  integer :: tae_fin_counts, tan_fin_counts
+  integer :: tge_scalar_fin_counts, tge_array_fin_counts
+  integer :: tgn_scalar_fin_counts, tgn_array_fin_counts
+  impure elemental subroutine ten_fin(x)
+    type(ten), intent(inout) :: x
+    x%i = -10 * x%i
+    ten_fin_counts = ten_fin_counts + 1
+  end subroutine ten_fin
+  impure elemental subroutine tee_fin(x)
+    type(tee), intent(inout) :: x
+    x%i = -11 * x%i
+    tee_fin_counts = tee_fin_counts + 1
+  end subroutine tee_fin
+  subroutine tne_fin(x)
+    type(tne), intent(inout) :: x
+    x%i = -12 * x%i
+    tne_fin_counts = tne_fin_counts + 1
+  end subroutine tne_fin
+  subroutine tnn_fin(x)
+    type(tnn), intent(inout) :: x
+    x%i = -13 * x%i
+    tnn_fin_counts = tnn_fin_counts + 1
+  end subroutine tnn_fin
+  subroutine tae_fin(x)
+    type(tae), intent(inout) :: x(:,:)
+    x%i = -14 * x%i
+    tae_fin_counts = tae_fin_counts + 1
+  end subroutine tae_fin
+  subroutine tan_fin(x)
+    type(tan), intent(inout) :: x(:,:)
+    x%i = -15 * x%i
+    tan_fin_counts = tan_fin_counts + 1
+  end subroutine tan_fin
+  subroutine tge_scalar_fin(x)
+    type(tge), intent(inout) :: x
+    x%i = -16 * x%i
+    tge_scalar_fin_counts = tge_scalar_fin_counts + 1
+  end subroutine tge_scalar_fin
+  subroutine tge_array_fin(x)
+    type(tge), intent(inout) :: x(:,:)
+    x%i = -17 * x%i
+    tge_array_fin_counts = tge_array_fin_counts + 1
+  end subroutine tge_array_fin
+  subroutine tgn_scalar_fin(x)
+    type(tgn), intent(inout) :: x
+    x%i = -18 * x%i
+    tgn_scalar_fin_counts = tgn_scalar_fin_counts + 1
+  end subroutine tgn_scalar_fin
+  subroutine tgn_array_fin(x)
+    type(tgn), intent(inout) :: x(:,:)
+    x%i = -19 * x%i
+    tgn_array_fin_counts = tgn_array_fin_counts + 1
+  end subroutine tgn_array_fin
+  ! The finalizer/initializer call producer
+  subroutine ten_init(x)
+    class(ten), intent(out) :: x(:,:)
+  end subroutine ten_init
+  impure elemental subroutine tee_init(x)
+    class(tee), intent(out) :: x
+  end subroutine tee_init
+  impure elemental subroutine tne_init(x)
+    class(tne), intent(out) :: x
+  end subroutine tne_init
+  subroutine tnn_init(x)
+    class(tnn), intent(out) :: x(:,:)
+  end subroutine tnn_init
+  impure elemental subroutine tae_init(x)
+    class(tae), intent(out) :: x
+  end subroutine tae_init
+  subroutine tan_init(x)
+    class(tan), intent(out) :: x(:,:)
+  end subroutine tan_init
+  impure elemental subroutine tge_init(x)
+    class(tge), intent(out) :: x
+  end subroutine tge_init
+  subroutine tgn_init(x)
+    class(tgn), intent(out) :: x(:,:)
+  end subroutine tgn_init
+end module module_finalize_29
+program finalize_29
+  use module_finalize_29
+  implicit none
+  type(ten), allocatable :: x_ten(:,:)
+  type(tee), allocatable :: x_tee(:,:)
+  type(tne), allocatable :: x_tne(:,:)
+  type(tnn), allocatable :: x_tnn(:,:)
+  type(tae), allocatable :: x_tae(:,:)
+  type(tan), allocatable :: x_tan(:,:)
+  type(tge), allocatable :: x_tge(:,:)
+  type(tgn), allocatable :: x_tgn(:,:)
+  ! Set the global counts to zero.
+  ten_fin_counts = 0
+  tee_fin_counts = 0
+  tne_fin_counts = 0
+  tnn_fin_counts = 0
+  tae_fin_counts = 0
+  tan_fin_counts = 0
+  tge_scalar_fin_counts = 0
+  tge_array_fin_counts = 0
+  tgn_scalar_fin_counts = 0
+  tgn_array_fin_counts = 0
+  allocate(ten :: x_ten(5,5))
+  allocate(tee :: x_tee(5,5))
+  allocate(tne :: x_tne(5,5))
+  allocate(tnn :: x_tnn(5,5))
+  allocate(tae :: x_tae(5,5))
+  allocate(tan :: x_tan(5,5))
+  allocate(tge :: x_tge(5,5))
+  allocate(tgn :: x_tgn(5,5))
+  x_ten%i = 1
+  x_tee%i = 2
+  x_tne%i = 3
+  x_tnn%i = 4
+  x_tae%i = 5
+  x_tan%i = 6
+  x_tge%i = 7
+  x_tgn%i = 8
+  call ten_init(x_ten(::2, ::3))
+  if (ten_fin_counts /= 6) call abort()
+  if (tee_fin_counts + tne_fin_counts + tnn_fin_counts + tae_fin_counts + &
+        tan_fin_counts + tge_scalar_fin_counts + tge_array_fin_counts + &
+        tgn_scalar_fin_counts + tgn_array_fin_counts /= 0) call abort()
+  ten_fin_counts = 0
+  call tee_init(x_tee(::2, ::3))
+  if (tee_fin_counts /= 6) call abort()
+  if (ten_fin_counts + tne_fin_counts + tnn_fin_counts + tae_fin_counts + &
+        tan_fin_counts + tge_scalar_fin_counts + tge_array_fin_counts + &
+        tgn_scalar_fin_counts + tgn_array_fin_counts /= 0) call abort()
+  tee_fin_counts = 0
+  call tne_init(x_tne(::2, ::3))
+  if (tne_fin_counts /= 6) call abort()
+  if (ten_fin_counts + tee_fin_counts + tnn_fin_counts + tae_fin_counts + &
+        tan_fin_counts + tge_scalar_fin_counts + tge_array_fin_counts + &
+        tgn_scalar_fin_counts + tgn_array_fin_counts /= 0) call abort()
+  tne_fin_counts = 0
+  call tnn_init(x_tnn(::2, ::3))
+  if (tnn_fin_counts /= 0) call abort()
+  if (ten_fin_counts + tee_fin_counts + tne_fin_counts + tae_fin_counts + &
+        tan_fin_counts + tge_scalar_fin_counts + tge_array_fin_counts + &
+        tgn_scalar_fin_counts + tgn_array_fin_counts /= 0) call abort()
+  call tae_init(x_tae(::2, ::3))
+  if (tae_fin_counts /= 0) call abort()
+  if (ten_fin_counts + tee_fin_counts + tne_fin_counts + tnn_fin_counts + &
+        tan_fin_counts + tge_scalar_fin_counts + tge_array_fin_counts + &
+        tgn_scalar_fin_counts + tgn_array_fin_counts /= 0) call abort()
+  call tan_init(x_tan(::2, ::3))
+  if (tan_fin_counts /= 1) call abort()
+  if (ten_fin_counts + tee_fin_counts + tne_fin_counts + tnn_fin_counts + &
+        tae_fin_counts + tge_scalar_fin_counts + tge_array_fin_counts + &
+        tgn_scalar_fin_counts + tgn_array_fin_counts /= 0) call abort()
+  tan_fin_counts = 0
+  call tge_init(x_tge(::2, ::3))
+  if (tge_scalar_fin_counts /= 6) call abort()
+  if (ten_fin_counts + tee_fin_counts + tne_fin_counts + tnn_fin_counts + &
+        tae_fin_counts + tan_fin_counts + tgn_array_fin_counts + &
+        tgn_scalar_fin_counts + tgn_array_fin_counts /= 0) call abort()
+  tge_scalar_fin_counts = 0
+  call tgn_init(x_tgn(::2, ::3))
+  if (tgn_array_fin_counts /= 1) call abort()
+  if (ten_fin_counts + tee_fin_counts + tne_fin_counts + tnn_fin_counts + &
+        tae_fin_counts + tan_fin_counts + tge_scalar_fin_counts + &
+        tge_array_fin_counts + tgn_scalar_fin_counts /= 0) call abort()
+  tgn_array_fin_counts = 0
+  if (any (reshape (x_ten%i, [25]) /= [[40, 1, 40, 1, 40], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1],&
+        [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [40, 1, 40, 1, 40], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]])) call abort()
+  if (any (reshape (x_tee%i, [25]) /= [[41, 2, 41, 2, 41], [2, 2, 2, 2, 2],&
+        [2, 2, 2, 2, 2], [41, 2, 41, 2, 41], [2, 2, 2, 2, 2]])) call abort()
+  if (any (reshape (x_tne%i, [25]) /= [[42, 3, 42, 3, 42], [3, 3, 3, 3, 3],&
+        [3, 3, 3, 3, 3], [42, 3, 42, 3, 42], [3, 3, 3, 3, 3]])) call abort()
+  if (any (reshape (x_tnn%i, [25]) /= [[43, 4, 43, 4, 43], [4, 4, 4, 4, 4],&
+        [4, 4, 4, 4, 4], [43, 4, 43, 4, 43], [4, 4, 4, 4, 4]])) call abort()
+  if (any (reshape (x_tae%i, [25]) /= [[44, 5, 44, 5, 44], [5, 5, 5, 5, 5],&
+        [5, 5, 5, 5, 5], [44, 5, 44, 5, 44], [5, 5, 5, 5, 5]])) call abort()
+  if (any (reshape (x_tan%i, [25]) /= [[45, 6, 45, 6, 45], [6, 6, 6, 6, 6],&
+        [6, 6, 6, 6, 6], [45, 6, 45, 6, 45], [6, 6, 6, 6, 6]])) call abort()
+  if (any (reshape (x_tge%i, [25]) /= [[46, 7, 46, 7, 46], [7, 7, 7, 7, 7],&
+        [7, 7, 7, 7, 7], [46, 7, 46, 7, 46], [7, 7, 7, 7, 7]])) call abort()
+  if (any (reshape (x_tgn%i, [25]) /= [[47, 8, 47, 8, 47], [8, 8, 8, 8, 8],&
+        [8, 8, 8, 8, 8], [47, 8, 47, 8, 47], [8, 8, 8, 8, 8]])) call abort()
+end program finalize_29

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