On 03/22/2015 08:26 PM, Jan Hubicka wrote:
> Hi,
> this is my honest attempt to explain how command line options works with LTO
> in current compiler and how to deal with these sanely.
> It is bit of mess, but an improvement over past releases.  We finished the
> transition to per-function attributes.  In GCC 6 I plan to add per-variable
> counterpart.  I wonder if we want to have something in the texinfo too?
> Honza
> Index: changes.html
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /cvs/gcc/wwwdocs/htdocs/gcc-5/changes.html,v
> retrieving revision 1.90
> diff -u -r1.90 changes.html
> --- changes.html      23 Mar 2015 02:00:12 -0000      1.90
> +++ changes.html      23 Mar 2015 02:22:51 -0000
> @@ -78,6 +78,25 @@
>         Streaming extra information needed to merge types adds about 2-6% of
>         memory size and object size increase. This can be controlled by
>         <code>-flto-odr-type-merging</code>.</li>
> +      <li><p>Command line optimization and target options are now streamed on
> +       per-function basis and honored by the link-time optimizer.
> +       This change makes the link-time optimization more tranpsarent
> +       replacement of the per-file optimization.
> +       It is now possible to build projects that require different 
> optimization
> +       settings for different translation units (such as
> +       <code>-ffast-math</code>, <code>-mavx</code>, or 
> <code>-finline</code>).
> +       Contrary to the earlier GCC releases, the optimization and target
> +       options passed to the command line invoking linker are ignored.</p>
> +       <p>Note that this apply only to those command
> +       line options that can be passed to <code>optimize</code> and
> +       <code>target</code> attributes.  Command line options affecting global
> +       code generation (such as <code>-fpic</code>), warnings
> +       (such as <code>-Wodr</code>), optimization affecting way static 
> variables
> +       are optimized (such as <code>-fcommon</code>), debug output (such as
> +       <code>-g</code>) and <code>--param</code> parameters can be applied 
> only
> +       to the whole link-time optimization unit.
> +       It these cases it is recommended to consistently use the same setting
> +       both at compile-time and link-time.</p>
>         <li>GCC bootstrap now uses slim LTO object files.</li>
>         <li>Memory usage and link times were improved.  Tree merging was sped 
> up,
>         memory usage of GIMPLE declarations and types was reduced, and,

How about this for a copy-edited version of the new text?

       <li><p>Command-line optimization and target options are now streamed on
          a per-function basis and honored by the link-time optimizer.
          This change makes the link-time optimization a more transparent
          replacement of per-file optimizations.
          It is now possible to build projects that require
          different optimization
          settings for different translation units (such as
          <code>-ffast-math</code>, <code>-mavx</code>, or
          Contrary to the earlier GCC releases, the optimization and target
          options passed on the link command line are ignored.</p>
          <p>Note that this applies only to those command-line options
          that can be passed to <code>optimize</code> and
          <code>target</code> attributes.
          Command-line options affecting global code generation
          (such as <code>-fpic</code>), warnings
          (such as <code>-Wodr</code>),
          optimizations affecting the way static variables
          are optimized (such as <code>-fcommon</code>), debug output (such as
          and <code>--param</code> parameters can be applied only
          to the whole link-time optimization unit. 
          In these cases, it is recommended to consistently use the same
          options at both compile time and link time.</p></li>


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