On 2/24/15 23:54, Jeff Law wrote:
> On 02/23/15 18:33, Chen Gang S wrote:
>> OK, thanks. I shall try to finish within this month (although I am
>> not quite sure whether I can finish on time).
> No problem.  Any contribution you can make in this area is appreciated.

OK, thanks.

>> OK, thanks. May I firstly finish it before fixing xtensa pattern?  I
>> guess it is more easier than fixing xtensa patten. (I guess 'warming'
>> is 'warning'.)
> You can tackle them in any order you wish.  However, I suspect fixing the 
> xtensa backend may be easier.  I don't have any good way to test xtensa, but 
> something like the attached patch for the xtensa port should be sufficient.

OK, thanks, I shall give a test for your patch, and I shall try to send
patch for adding related warning for genrecog.

I shall try to finish xtensa testsuite with xtensa qemu within next
month (I am sure, xtensa qemu can work, and xtensa related maintainer is
warm hearted: he even gives me suggestions for tilegx qemu).

For tilegx qemu, I can run from _start to __libc_start_main correctly in
linux-user mode, now. I shall try to finish tile qemu linux-user within
next month (which may be enough for gcc testsuit, I guess)

>> By the way, can this patch "initialize several arrays before use them
>> in find_reloads()" will cause correctness issue? (I guess not, it
>> will skip optimization, but not cause correctness issue, and continue
>> compiling).
> It will not cause any correctness issues, but it will cause 
> unwanted/unnecessary initialization of those arrays each time we enter that 
> function.

Oh, excuse me, my English is not quite well, I guess, you misunderstand
my meaning, I want to say:

 - After this patch, it can continue compiling, but can we be sure that
   it always generates correct code for execution?

 - For this case, I can check the output assembly code for it (I shall
   try, next), but I can not be sure it will be true for any cases.

For me, if we still do not initialize these arrays, we shall report
error instead of warning when genrecog finds this issue.

Chen Gang

Open, share, and attitude like air, water, and life which God blessed

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