Hi Jakub! We have 3 pending patches with warnings/errors about omp pragmas:
1. https://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2015-01/msg00617.html 2. https://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2015-01/msg00621.html 3. This one. What should we do with them? [ ] Rebase and continue pinging. [ ] Postpone until Stage 1. [ ] Completely remove. On 12 Jan 00:22, Ilya Verbin wrote: > Currently if a target* pragma appears within a target region, GCC successfully > compiles such code (with a warning). But the binary fails at run-time, since > it > tries to call GOMP_target* functions on target. > > The spec says: "If a target, target update, or target data construct appears > within a target region then the behavior is unspecified." > > I see 2 options to make the behavior more user-friendly: > 1. To return an error at compile-time. > 2. To check at run-time in libgomp whether GOMP_target* is called on target, > and > perform target-fallback if so. > > If we will select option #1, the patch is ready. -- Ilya