On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 10:06 AM, Diego Novillo <dnovi...@google.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 13:01, Gabriel Charette <gch...@google.com> wrote:
>> Couldn't we have headers look for their corresponding .pph file by
>> default when -fpph-map is on? (especially since pph.map is only
>> temporary for the implementation phase)
> The problem is with headers that include other headers.  We want to
> limit the generation of images to specific headers.  Given that we are
> in this initial implementation phase, the simplest approach is to
> remember to update pph.map.

Well in what I'm proposing we only use the pph file if it was actually
generated before (we don't generate it if it's not there). Are there
any situations where we have a corresponding pph file, but don't
actually want to use it when the fpph-map flag is on? Seems unlikely
as we put all the pph files in the pph map for now anyways...

>> Could that also be why the small test I tried to introduce last week
>> to test the ordering of the bindings coming from the pph would pass
>> (i.e. it wouldn't use it's pph as I didn't add it to pph.map?).
> Yes, that's likely.
> Diego.

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