
I know Mike already approved that patch.  Just a few nits.

> # Test coarray support.
> #
> # For the compilation tests, all files are compiles with the
                                                    ^ d
> # option -fcoarray=single and with -fcoarray=lib
                                                  ^ .

> # Enable if you want to test several options:
> #    # look if this is dg-do-run test, in which case
> #    # we cycle through the option list, otherwise we don't
> #    if [expr [search_for $test "dg-do run"]] {
> #     set option_list $torture_with_loops
> #    } else {
> #     set option_list [list { -O } ]
> #    }

I think we prefer not to have #if 0 (or equivalent) code in the tree.


Rainer Orth, Center for Biotechnology, Bielefeld University

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