Georg-Johann Lay schrieb:
> Georg-Johann Lay schrieb:
>> Weddington, Eric schrieb:
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Georg-Johann Lay []
>>>> Sent: Friday, April 01, 2011 4:01 PM
>>>> To: Georg-Johann Lay
>>>> Cc:; Denis Chertykov; Anatoly Sokolov; Weddington,
>>>> Eric
>>>> Subject: Re: [Patch,AVR]: Fix PR45263
>>>> This is a better fix that does not need push/pop and does not increase
>>>> numer of instructions.
>>>> r16 takes the role of r20, and the value formerly in r16,
>>>> i.e. hh8(__dtors_end resp. __ctors_start) is recreated as needed.
>>> Hi Johann,
>>> Have you tested this patch against the test case in bug #45263?
> Tested patch v2 from 2010-04-02 now for atmega2560 on avrtest
> simulator. In main, var1 and var2 are initialized as expected and
> anObject.getVal() is 30.
> Without patch the program hangs.

2011-04-11  Georg-Johann Lay  <>

    PR target/45263
    * config/avr/libgcc.S (__do_global_ctors, __do_global_dtors):
Don't use
    r20 around calls of __tablejump_elpm__
Index: config/avr/libgcc.S
--- config/avr/libgcc.S	(Revision 172258)
+++ config/avr/libgcc.S	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -791,22 +791,22 @@ __do_clear_bss:
 #if defined(__AVR_HAVE_RAMPZ__)
 	ldi	r17, hi8(__ctors_start)
-	ldi	r16, hh8(__ctors_start)
 	ldi	r28, lo8(__ctors_end)
 	ldi	r29, hi8(__ctors_end)
-	ldi	r20, hh8(__ctors_end)
+	ldi	r16, hh8(__ctors_end)
 	rjmp	.L__do_global_ctors_start
 	sbiw	r28, 2
-	sbc     r20, __zero_reg__
+	sbc     r16, __zero_reg__
 	mov_h	r31, r29
 	mov_l	r30, r28
-	out     __RAMPZ__, r20
+	out     __RAMPZ__, r16
 	XCALL	__tablejump_elpm__
 	cpi	r28, lo8(__ctors_start)
 	cpc	r29, r17
-	cpc	r20, r16
+	ldi	r24, hh8(__ctors_start)
+	cpc	r16, r24
 	brne	.L__do_global_ctors_loop
@@ -832,22 +832,22 @@ __do_global_ctors:
 #if defined(__AVR_HAVE_RAMPZ__)
 	ldi	r17, hi8(__dtors_end)
-	ldi	r16, hh8(__dtors_end)
 	ldi	r28, lo8(__dtors_start)
 	ldi	r29, hi8(__dtors_start)
-	ldi	r20, hh8(__dtors_start)
+	ldi	r16, hh8(__dtors_start)
 	rjmp	.L__do_global_dtors_start
 	sbiw	r28, 2
-	sbc     r20, __zero_reg__
+	sbc     r16, __zero_reg__
 	mov_h	r31, r29
 	mov_l	r30, r28
-	out     __RAMPZ__, r20
+	out     __RAMPZ__, r16
 	XCALL	__tablejump_elpm__
 	cpi	r28, lo8(__dtors_end)
 	cpc	r29, r17
-	cpc	r20, r16
+	ldi	r24, hh8(__dtors_end)
+	cpc	r16, r24
 	brne	.L__do_global_dtors_loop

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