commit d607595f1f4f4566776000aeedfd4d0bb3ce4b9b
Author: Mikael Morin <>
Date:   Thu Jan 16 14:00:20 2025 +0100

    Factorisation gfc_conv_expr_descriptor

 gcc/fortran/ | 358 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 186 insertions(+), 172 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gcc/fortran/ b/gcc/fortran/
index 097a9a0d860a..ec0badd0dc33 100644
--- a/gcc/fortran/
+++ b/gcc/fortran/
@@ -1542,6 +1542,25 @@ keep_descriptor_lower_bound (gfc_expr *e)
+static void
+copy_descriptor (stmtblock_t *block, tree dest, tree src,
+                gfc_expr *src_expr, bool subref)
+  /* Copy the descriptor for pointer assignments.  */
+  gfc_add_modify (block, dest, src);
+  /* Add any offsets from subreferences.  */
+  gfc_get_dataptr_offset (block, dest, src, NULL_TREE, subref, src_expr);
+  /* ....and set the span field.  */
+  tree tmp;
+  if (src_expr->ts.type == BT_CHARACTER)
+    tmp = gfc_conv_descriptor_span_get (src);
+  else
+    tmp = gfc_get_array_span (src, src_expr);
+  gfc_conv_descriptor_span_set (block, dest, tmp);
 /* Obtain offsets for  */
@@ -8991,24 +9010,175 @@ is_explicit_coarray (gfc_expr *expr)
 static void
-copy_descriptor (stmtblock_t *block, tree dest, tree src,
-                gfc_expr *src_expr, bool subref)
+set_descriptor (stmtblock_t *block, tree dest, tree src, gfc_expr *src_expr,
+               int rank, int corank, gfc_ss *ss, gfc_array_info *info,
+               tree lowers[GFC_MAX_DIMENSIONS],
+               tree uppers[GFC_MAX_DIMENSIONS],
+               bool unlimited_polymorphic, bool data_needed, bool subref)
-  /* Copy the descriptor for pointer assignments.  */
-  gfc_add_modify (block, dest, src);
+  int ndim = info->ref ? info->ref-> : rank;
-  /* Add any offsets from subreferences.  */
-  gfc_get_dataptr_offset (block, dest, src, NULL_TREE, subref, src_expr);
-  /* ....and set the span field.  */
-  tree tmp;
-  if (src_expr->ts.type == BT_CHARACTER)
+  /* Set the span field.  */
+  tree tmp = NULL_TREE;
     tmp = gfc_conv_descriptor_span_get (src);
     tmp = gfc_get_array_span (src, src_expr);
-  gfc_conv_descriptor_span_set (block, dest, tmp);
+  if (tmp)
+    gfc_conv_descriptor_span_set (block, dest, tmp);
+  /* The following can be somewhat confusing.  We have two
+     descriptors, a new one and the original array.
+     {dest, parmtype, dim} refer to the new one.
+     {src, type, n, loop} refer to the original, which maybe
+     a descriptorless array.
+     The bounds of the scalarization are the bounds of the section.
+     We don't have to worry about numeric overflows when calculating
+     the offsets because all elements are within the array data.  */
+  /* Set the dtype.  */
+  tmp = gfc_conv_descriptor_dtype (dest);
+  tree dtype;
+  if (unlimited_polymorphic)
+    dtype = gfc_get_dtype (TREE_TYPE (src), &rank);
+  else if (src_expr->ts.type == BT_ASSUMED)
+    {
+      tree tmp2 = src;
+       tmp2 = GFC_DECL_SAVED_DESCRIPTOR (tmp2);
+      if (POINTER_TYPE_P (TREE_TYPE (tmp2)))
+       tmp2 = build_fold_indirect_ref_loc (input_location, tmp2);
+      dtype = gfc_conv_descriptor_dtype (tmp2);
+    }
+  else
+    dtype = gfc_get_dtype (TREE_TYPE (dest));
+  gfc_add_modify (block, tmp, dtype);
+  /* The 1st element in the section.  */
+  tree base = gfc_index_zero_node;
+  if (src_expr->ts.type == BT_CHARACTER && src_expr->rank == 0 && corank)
+    base = gfc_index_one_node;
+  /* The offset from the 1st element in the section.  */
+  tree offset = gfc_index_zero_node;
+  for (int n = 0; n < ndim; n++)
+    {
+      tree stride = gfc_conv_array_stride (src, n);
+      /* Work out the 1st element in the section.  */
+      tree start;
+      if (info->ref
+         && info->ref->[n] == DIMEN_ELEMENT)
+       {
+         gcc_assert (info->subscript[n]
+                     && info->subscript[n]->info->type == GFC_SS_SCALAR);
+         start = info->subscript[n]->info->data.scalar.value;
+       }
+      else
+       {
+         /* Evaluate and remember the start of the section.  */
+         start = info->start[n];
+         stride = gfc_evaluate_now (stride, block);
+       }
+      tmp = gfc_conv_array_lbound (src, n);
+      tmp = fold_build2_loc (input_location, MINUS_EXPR, TREE_TYPE (tmp),
+                            start, tmp);
+      tmp = fold_build2_loc (input_location, MULT_EXPR, TREE_TYPE (tmp),
+                            tmp, stride);
+      base = fold_build2_loc (input_location, PLUS_EXPR, TREE_TYPE (tmp),
+                               base, tmp);
+      if (info->ref
+         && info->ref->[n] == DIMEN_ELEMENT)
+       {
+         /* For elemental dimensions, we only need the 1st
+            element in the section.  */
+         continue;
+       }
+      /* Vector subscripts need copying and are handled elsewhere.  */
+      if (info->ref)
+       gcc_assert (info->ref->[n] == DIMEN_RANGE);
+      /* look for the corresponding scalarizer dimension: dim.  */
+      int dim;
+      for (dim = 0; dim < ndim; dim++)
+       if (ss->dim[dim] == n)
+         break;
+      /* loop exited early: the DIM being looked for has been found.  */
+      gcc_assert (dim < ndim);
+      /* Set the new lower bound.  */
+      tree from = lowers[dim];
+      tree to = uppers[dim];
+      gfc_conv_descriptor_lbound_set (block, dest,
+                                     gfc_rank_cst[dim], from);
+      /* Set the new upper bound.  */
+      gfc_conv_descriptor_ubound_set (block, dest,
+                                     gfc_rank_cst[dim], to);
+      /* Multiply the stride by the section stride to get the
+        total stride.  */
+      stride = fold_build2_loc (input_location, MULT_EXPR,
+                               gfc_array_index_type,
+                               stride, info->stride[n]);
+      tmp = fold_build2_loc (input_location, MULT_EXPR,
+                            TREE_TYPE (offset), stride, from);
+      offset = fold_build2_loc (input_location, MINUS_EXPR,
+                              TREE_TYPE (offset), offset, tmp);
+      /* Store the new stride.  */
+      gfc_conv_descriptor_stride_set (block, dest,
+                                     gfc_rank_cst[dim], stride);
+    }
+  for (int n = rank; n < rank + corank; n++)
+    {
+      tree from = lowers[n];
+      tree to = uppers[n];
+      gfc_conv_descriptor_lbound_set (block, dest,
+                                     gfc_rank_cst[n], from);
+      if (n < rank + corank - 1)
+       gfc_conv_descriptor_ubound_set (block, dest,
+                                       gfc_rank_cst[n], to);
+    }
+  if (data_needed)
+    /* Point the data pointer at the 1st element in the section.  */
+    gfc_get_dataptr_offset (block, dest, src, base,
+                           subref, src_expr);
+  else
+    gfc_conv_descriptor_data_set (block, dest,
+                                 gfc_index_zero_node);
+  gfc_conv_descriptor_offset_set (block, dest, offset);
+  if (flag_coarray == GFC_FCOARRAY_LIB && src_expr->corank)
+    {
+      tmp = INDIRECT_REF_P (src) ? TREE_OPERAND (src, 0) : src;
+       {
+         tmp = gfc_conv_descriptor_token (tmp);
+       }
+      else if (DECL_P (tmp) && DECL_LANG_SPECIFIC (tmp)
+              && GFC_DECL_TOKEN (tmp) != NULL_TREE)
+       tmp = GFC_DECL_TOKEN (tmp);
+      else
+       {
+         tmp = GFC_TYPE_ARRAY_CAF_TOKEN (TREE_TYPE (tmp));
+       }
+      gfc_add_modify (block, gfc_conv_descriptor_token (dest), tmp);
+    }
 /* Convert an array for passing as an actual argument.  Expressions and
    vector subscripts are evaluated and stored in a temporary, which is then
    passed.  For whole arrays the descriptor is passed.  For array sections
@@ -9051,11 +9221,11 @@ gfc_conv_expr_descriptor (gfc_se *se, gfc_expr *expr)
   tree tmp;
   tree desc;
   stmtblock_t block;
-  tree start;
   int full;
   bool subref_array_target = false;
   bool deferred_array_component = false;
   bool substr = false;
+  bool unlimited_polymorphic = false;
   gfc_expr *arg, *ss_expr;
   if (se->want_coarray || expr->rank == 0)
@@ -9081,7 +9251,7 @@ gfc_conv_expr_descriptor (gfc_se *se, gfc_expr *expr)
   if (!se->direct_byref)
-    se->unlimited_polymorphic = UNLIMITED_POLY (expr);
+    unlimited_polymorphic = UNLIMITED_POLY (expr);
   /* Special case things we know we can pass easily.  */
   switch (expr->expr_type)
@@ -9365,12 +9535,6 @@ gfc_conv_expr_descriptor (gfc_se *se, gfc_expr *expr)
       int dim, ndim, codim;
       tree parm;
       tree parmtype;
-      tree dtype;
-      tree stride;
-      tree from;
-      tree to;
-      tree base;
-      tree offset;
       ndim = info->ref ? info->ref-> : ss->dimen;
@@ -9491,161 +9655,11 @@ gfc_conv_expr_descriptor (gfc_se *se, gfc_expr *expr)
                          gfc_get_array_span (desc, expr)));
-      /* Set the span field.  */
-      tmp = NULL_TREE;
-      if (GFC_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_P (TREE_TYPE (desc)))
-       tmp = gfc_conv_descriptor_span_get (desc);
-      else
-       tmp = gfc_get_array_span (desc, expr);
-      if (tmp)
-       gfc_conv_descriptor_span_set (&loop.pre, parm, tmp);
-      /* The following can be somewhat confusing.  We have two
-         descriptors, a new one and the original array.
-         {parm, parmtype, dim} refer to the new one.
-         {desc, type, n, loop} refer to the original, which maybe
-         a descriptorless array.
-         The bounds of the scalarization are the bounds of the section.
-         We don't have to worry about numeric overflows when calculating
-         the offsets because all elements are within the array data.  */
-      /* Set the dtype.  */
-      tmp = gfc_conv_descriptor_dtype (parm);
-      if (se->unlimited_polymorphic)
-       dtype = gfc_get_dtype (TREE_TYPE (desc), &loop.dimen);
-      else if (expr->ts.type == BT_ASSUMED)
-       {
-         tree tmp2 = desc;
-         if (DECL_LANG_SPECIFIC (tmp2) && GFC_DECL_SAVED_DESCRIPTOR (tmp2))
-           tmp2 = GFC_DECL_SAVED_DESCRIPTOR (tmp2);
-         if (POINTER_TYPE_P (TREE_TYPE (tmp2)))
-           tmp2 = build_fold_indirect_ref_loc (input_location, tmp2);
-         dtype = gfc_conv_descriptor_dtype (tmp2);
-       }
-      else
-       dtype = gfc_get_dtype (parmtype);
-      gfc_add_modify (&loop.pre, tmp, dtype);
-      /* The 1st element in the section.  */
-      base = gfc_index_zero_node;
-      if (expr->ts.type == BT_CHARACTER && expr->rank == 0 && codim)
-       base = gfc_index_one_node;
+      set_descriptor (&se->pre, parm, desc, expr, loop.dimen, codim,
+                     ss, info, loop.from,, unlimited_polymorphic,
+                     !se->data_not_needed, subref_array_target);
-      /* The offset from the 1st element in the section.  */
-      offset = gfc_index_zero_node;
-      for (n = 0; n < ndim; n++)
-       {
-         stride = gfc_conv_array_stride (desc, n);
-         /* Work out the 1st element in the section.  */
-         if (info->ref
-             && info->ref->[n] == DIMEN_ELEMENT)
-           {
-             gcc_assert (info->subscript[n]
-                         && info->subscript[n]->info->type == GFC_SS_SCALAR);
-             start = info->subscript[n]->info->data.scalar.value;
-           }
-         else
-           {
-             /* Evaluate and remember the start of the section.  */
-             start = info->start[n];
-             stride = gfc_evaluate_now (stride, &loop.pre);
-           }
-         tmp = gfc_conv_array_lbound (desc, n);
-         tmp = fold_build2_loc (input_location, MINUS_EXPR, TREE_TYPE (tmp),
-                                start, tmp);
-         tmp = fold_build2_loc (input_location, MULT_EXPR, TREE_TYPE (tmp),
-                                tmp, stride);
-         base = fold_build2_loc (input_location, PLUS_EXPR, TREE_TYPE (tmp),
-                                   base, tmp);
-         if (info->ref
-             && info->ref->[n] == DIMEN_ELEMENT)
-           {
-             /* For elemental dimensions, we only need the 1st
-                element in the section.  */
-             continue;
-           }
-         /* Vector subscripts need copying and are handled elsewhere.  */
-         if (info->ref)
-           gcc_assert (info->ref->[n] == DIMEN_RANGE);
-         /* look for the corresponding scalarizer dimension: dim.  */
-         for (dim = 0; dim < ndim; dim++)
-           if (ss->dim[dim] == n)
-             break;
-         /* loop exited early: the DIM being looked for has been found.  */
-         gcc_assert (dim < ndim);
-         /* Set the new lower bound.  */
-         from = loop.from[dim];
-         to =[dim];
-         gfc_conv_descriptor_lbound_set (&loop.pre, parm,
-                                         gfc_rank_cst[dim], from);
-         /* Set the new upper bound.  */
-         gfc_conv_descriptor_ubound_set (&loop.pre, parm,
-                                         gfc_rank_cst[dim], to);
-         /* Multiply the stride by the section stride to get the
-            total stride.  */
-         stride = fold_build2_loc (input_location, MULT_EXPR,
-                                   gfc_array_index_type,
-                                   stride, info->stride[n]);
-         tmp = fold_build2_loc (input_location, MULT_EXPR,
-                                TREE_TYPE (offset), stride, from);
-         offset = fold_build2_loc (input_location, MINUS_EXPR,
-                                  TREE_TYPE (offset), offset, tmp);
-         /* Store the new stride.  */
-         gfc_conv_descriptor_stride_set (&loop.pre, parm,
-                                         gfc_rank_cst[dim], stride);
-       }
-      for (n = loop.dimen; n < loop.dimen + codim; n++)
-       {
-         from = loop.from[n];
-         to =[n];
-         gfc_conv_descriptor_lbound_set (&loop.pre, parm,
-                                         gfc_rank_cst[n], from);
-         if (n < loop.dimen + codim - 1)
-           gfc_conv_descriptor_ubound_set (&loop.pre, parm,
-                                           gfc_rank_cst[n], to);
-       }
-      if (se->data_not_needed)
-       gfc_conv_descriptor_data_set (&loop.pre, parm,
-                                     gfc_index_zero_node);
-      else
-       /* Point the data pointer at the 1st element in the section.  */
-       gfc_get_dataptr_offset (&loop.pre, parm, desc, base,
-                               subref_array_target, expr);
-      gfc_conv_descriptor_offset_set (&loop.pre, parm, offset);
-      if (flag_coarray == GFC_FCOARRAY_LIB && expr->corank)
-       {
-         tmp = INDIRECT_REF_P (desc) ? TREE_OPERAND (desc, 0) : desc;
-         if (GFC_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_P (TREE_TYPE (tmp)))
-           {
-             tmp = gfc_conv_descriptor_token (tmp);
-           }
-         else if (DECL_P (tmp) && DECL_LANG_SPECIFIC (tmp)
-                  && GFC_DECL_TOKEN (tmp) != NULL_TREE)
-           tmp = GFC_DECL_TOKEN (tmp);
-         else
-           {
-             tmp = GFC_TYPE_ARRAY_CAF_TOKEN (TREE_TYPE (tmp));
-           }
-         gfc_add_modify (&loop.pre, gfc_conv_descriptor_token (parm), tmp);
-       }
       desc = parm;

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