commit r13-9223-g351fc7565610574f7677972b0d9c4559eaff32f0
Author: Paul Thomas <>
Date:   Wed Nov 13 08:57:55 2024 +0000

    Fortran: Fix failing character pointer fcn assignment [PR105054]
    2024-11-14  Paul Thomas  <>
            PR fortran/105054
            * (get_temp_from_expr): If the pointer function has
            a deferred character length, generate a new deferred charlen
            for the temporary.
            PR fortran/105054
            * gfortran.dg/ptr_func_assign_6.f08: New test.
    (cherry picked from commit f530a8c61383b174a476b64f46d56adeedf49dc4)

 gcc/fortran/                          | 11 +++
 gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/ptr_func_assign_6.f08 | 89 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 100 insertions(+)

diff --git a/gcc/fortran/ b/gcc/fortran/
index adfde61bbdb1..6f13725cac57 100644
--- a/gcc/fortran/
+++ b/gcc/fortran/
@@ -12120,6 +12120,17 @@ resolve_ptr_fcn_assign (gfc_code **code, gfc_namespace 
   tmp_ptr_expr->symtree->n.sym->attr.allocatable = 0;
   tmp_ptr_expr->where = (*code)->loc;
+  /* A new charlen is required to ensure that the variable string length
+     is different to that of the original lhs for deferred results.  */
+  if (s->result->ts.deferred && tmp_ptr_expr->ts.type == BT_CHARACTER)
+    {
+      tmp_ptr_expr-> = gfc_get_charlen();
+      tmp_ptr_expr->ts.deferred = 1;
+      tmp_ptr_expr->>next = gfc_current_ns->cl_list;
+      gfc_current_ns->cl_list = tmp_ptr_expr->;
+      tmp_ptr_expr->symtree->n.sym-> = tmp_ptr_expr->;
+    }
   this_code = build_assignment (EXEC_ASSIGN,
                                tmp_ptr_expr, (*code)->expr2,
                                NULL, NULL, (*code)->loc);
diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/ptr_func_assign_6.f08 
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d62815d7afad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/ptr_func_assign_6.f08
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+! { dg-do run }
+! Test the fix for PR105054.
+! Contributed by Arjen Markus  <>
+module string_pointers
+    implicit none
+    character(len=20), dimension(10), target :: array_strings
+    character(len=:), dimension(:), target, allocatable :: array_strings2
+function pointer_to_string( i , flag)
+     integer, intent(in) :: i, flag
+     character(len=:), pointer :: pointer_to_string
+     if (flag == 1) then
+       pointer_to_string => array_strings(i)
+       return
+     endif
+     if (.not.allocated (array_strings2)) allocate (array_strings2(4), &
+                                                    mold = '        ')
+     pointer_to_string => array_strings2(i)
+end function pointer_to_string
+function pointer_to_string2( i , flag) result (res)
+     integer, intent(in) :: i, flag
+     character(len=:), pointer :: res
+     if (flag == 1) then
+       res => array_strings(i)
+       return
+     endif
+     if (.not.allocated (array_strings2)) allocate (array_strings2(4), &
+                                                    mold = '        ')
+     res => array_strings2(i)
+end function pointer_to_string2
+end module string_pointers
+program chk_string_pointer
+    use string_pointers
+    implicit none
+    integer :: i
+    character(*), parameter :: chr(4) = ['1234      ','ABCDefgh  ', &
+                                         '12345678  ','          ']
+    pointer_to_string(1, 1) = '1234567890'
+    pointer_to_string(2, 1) = '12345678901234567890'
+    if (len(pointer_to_string(3, 1)) /= 20) stop 1
+    array_strings(1) = array_strings(1)(1:4) // 'ABC'
+    if (pointer_to_string(1, 1) /= '1234ABC') stop 2
+    pointer_to_string(1, 2) = '1234'
+    pointer_to_string(2, 2) = 'ABCDefgh'
+    pointer_to_string(3, 2) = '12345678'
+    do i = 1, 3
+      if (trim (array_strings2(i)) /= trim(chr(i))) stop 3
+    enddo
+! Clear the target arrays
+    array_strings = repeat (' ', 20)
+    deallocate (array_strings2)
+! Repeat with an explicit result.
+    pointer_to_string2(1, 1) = '1234567890'
+    pointer_to_string2(2, 1) = '12345678901234567890'
+    if (len(pointer_to_string(3, 1)) /= 20) stop 4
+    array_strings(1) = array_strings(1)(1:4) // 'ABC'
+    if (pointer_to_string(1, 1) /= '1234ABC') stop 5
+    pointer_to_string2(1, 2) = '1234'
+    pointer_to_string2(2, 2) = 'ABCDefgh'
+    pointer_to_string2(3, 2) = '12345678'
+    do i = 1, 3
+      if (trim (array_strings2(i)) /= trim(chr(i))) stop 6
+    enddo
+end program chk_string_pointer

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