On 20 October 2015 at 18:03, Paul Hargrove <phhargr...@lbl.gov> wrote:
> I am not sure a full-blown chroot is necessary, especially in light of the
> limited disk space on these systems.
> There is already a support request for the installation of the
> armhf/multilib compiler packages.
> Those bring in the necessary basic libs (libc, libstdc++, etc) as package
> dependencies.
> That should (based on my use of a similar setup within QEMU) be sufficient
> to compile and run ARMHF and THUMB executables.

Doesn't that depend rather on what you wanted to compile?
If you wanted to build something that uses more than just libc
and libstdc++ then I think since these machines are running trusty
that you really need a chroot. (Consider wanting to build a program
that links against zlib, glib, etc. You can't install all of those
as multiarch foreign-arch libraries yet in trusty AFAIK.)

The machine seems to have nearly half a terabyte of disk, which
is not what I would personally characterise as limited :-)

To be clear, personally I have access to a different aarch64
machine with a chroot setup, so I don't need this particular
part of the compile farm. But if Ramana wants to set it up
I think it's a generally useful facility.

-- PMM

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