Laurent GUERBY wrote:
> On Thu, 2008-05-22 at 08:01 -0500, Joel Sherrill wrote:
>> Cool!  Nice addition.
>> Laurent.. is there a wishlist for the farm in case someone
>> comes across something needed?
> Users should feel free to fill the just opened hardware wishlist section
> in the wiki, after all they know more than me what's needed to satisfy
> users :).
> Rackable stuff with other architectures is always nice to have. I might
> get my hands on old sparc hardware at some point from my employer.
> powerpc64/arm/mips64 would be good too so we would cover all primary
> targets with native machines (I can get some low power gadget with
> Linux on those arch though).
OK.  None of that is in my closet. :-D
> If you see something to buy from a reliable seller, please ping me too.
> If you know somewhere we can host for free a machine 24x7, let me know
> too, with openvpn even if behind dynamic IP DSL + firewall in your
> basement it's good enough to work like static IP without needing to open
> any incoming port. Our bandwidth use is extremely low.
> BTW, Arthur is helping with qemu+debian setup too: having a virtual
> machine were farm users can ssh and do their native builds as usual.
The RTEMS community would be interested in this when
it is usable.  We build RPMs but would like to build .deb
packages.  Using qemu+debian would let us avoid having
to get a new machine. 

Just to be clear we would just like to use the image.
> Laurent

Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of Research & Development
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        On-Line Applications Research
Ask me about RTEMS: a free RTOS  Huntsville AL 35805
   Support Available             (256) 722-9985

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