------- Additional Comments From pinskia at gcc dot gnu dot org  2004-11-04 16:06 
Confirmed, this is an aliasing problem:
  D.1589_6 = (const unsigned char *) &s[0];
  D.1590_3 = *D.1589_6;
There is no VUSE on the second statement.

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|UNCONFIRMED                 |NEW
     Ever Confirmed|                            |1
           Keywords|                            |wrong-code
   Last reconfirmed|0000-00-00 00:00:00         |2004-11-04 16:06:10
               date|                            |
            Summary|4.0: bad code from lim ssa  |[4.0 Regression] bad code
                   |pass with strcmp            |from lim ssa pass with
                   |                            |strcmp
   Target Milestone|---                         |4.0.0
            Version|0.0                         |4.0.0


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