------- Additional Comments From lothar at xcerla dot com 2004-10-02 00:58 ------- Could you please state what "next C++" means (next standard, next version of gcc, ...). Actually I started this entry (with Severity: enhancement) to spawn a discussion about adding such aid to the compiler rather than to rely on external tools that may or may not work with the users build environment and may or may not break with new releases of the compiler. I believe that readable and understandsable compiler messages are CRUCIAL for both compiler writers and compiler users. If users do not understand error messages their cry for help will flood the compiler writers. I also would like to know what arguments speak against such a feature, as it proves to be worthwile (why should it be implemented as an external filter otherwise). As said before it could be controlled by a flag, so current message behaviour will be still available. If it is considered useful by enough people, why should it then not be included in the compiler?
-- http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=17781