--- Comment #7 from Richard Biener <rguenth at gcc dot> --- The first issue to address is t.c:4:20: note: Analyze phi: j_26 = PHI <j_10(8), 0(15)> t.c:4:20: missed: reduction used in loop. t.c:4:20: missed: Unknown def-use cycle pattern. and then t.c:4:20: note: mark relevant 5, live 0: _9 = .MASK_LOAD (_5, 32B, _33, 0.0); t.c:4:20: note: vect_is_simple_use: operand j_26 = PHI <j_10(8), 0(15)>, type of def: unknown t.c:4:20: missed: Unsupported pattern. t.c:6:14: missed: not vectorized: unsupported use in stmt. t.c:4:20: missed: unexpected pattern. t.c:4:20: note: ***** Analysis failed with vector mode V16SI so the compress/expand address evolution and it's compute isn't yet supported. A related testcase would just store the indices: void expand(float const * __restrict__ input, int * __restrict__ output, int size) { float const threshold = 0.5; int o = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (input[i] < threshold) { output[i] = o; o++; } } } that has just the unsupported "induction" and might be the "easiest" start t2.c:7:23: note: Analyze phi: o_21 = PHI <o_6(8), 0(15)> t2.c:7:23: missed: reduction used in loop. t2.c:7:23: missed: Unknown def-use cycle pattern.