--- Comment #4 from Li Pan < at intel dot com> --- gcc-14 has the correct behavior and mostly some middle-end change I guess. └─(11:39:07 on master⚑ ✭)──> riscv64-linux-gnu-gcc-14 --version riscv64-linux-gnu-gcc-14 (Ubuntu 14.2.0-4ubuntu2~24.04) 14.2.0 70 │ test_exampe: 71 │ .LFB2: 72 │ .cfi_startproc 73 │ frrm a3 74 │ fsrmi 2 75 │ lla a2,.LANCHOR0 76 │ lla a4,.LANCHOR0+8 77 │ vsetivli zero,4,e16,m1,ta,ma 78 │ vle16.v v1,0(a2) 79 │ vfnmadd.vv v1,v1,v1 80 │ fsrm a3 81 │ vfmsub.vv v1,v1,v1 82 │ vse16.v v1,0(a4) 83 │ ret 84 │ .cfi_endproc 85 │ .LFE2: 86 │ .size test_exampe, .-test_exampe 87 │ .section .text.startup,"ax",@progbits 88 │ .align 1 89 │ .globl main 90 │ .type main, @function 91 │ main: 92 │ .LFB3: 93 │ .cfi_startproc 94 │ addi sp,sp,-16 95 │ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 96 │ sd ra,8(sp) 97 │ .cfi_offset 1, -8 98 │ call initialize 99 │ frrm a3 100 │ fsrmi 2 101 │ lla a2,.LANCHOR0 102 │ lla a4,.LANCHOR0+8 103 │ vsetivli zero,4,e16,m1,ta,ma 104 │ vle16.v v1,0(a2) 105 │ vfnmadd.vv v1,v1,v1 106 │ fsrm a3 107 │ vfmsub.vv v1,v1,v1 108 │ vse16.v v1,0(a4) 109 │ call print_result