--- Comment #1 from kargls at comcast dot net --- Trimming the testcase to show to clean up the -fdump-tree-original output. program test use iso_fortran_env implicit none integer, parameter :: ucs4 = selected_char_kind('ISO_10646') character(kind=ucs4, len=1), parameter :: alpha = char(int(z'03B1'), ucs4) character(kind=ucs4, len=1), parameter :: beta = char(int(z'03B2'), ucs4) integer fd character(kind=ucs4,len=:), allocatable :: str fd = output_unit open (fd, encoding='UTF-8') str = alpha // beta // alpha // beta write(fd,'(A1)') str end program % gfcx -o z -fdump-tree-original jj.f90 && ./z αβαβ { struct __st_parameter_dt dt_parm.3; dt_parm.3.common.filename = &"jj.f90"[1]{lb: 1 sz: 1}; dt_parm.3.common.line = 12; dt_parm.3.format = &"(A1)"[1]{lb: 1 sz: 1}; dt_parm.3.format_len = 4; dt_parm.3.common.flags = 4096; dt_parm.3.common.unit = fd; _gfortran_st_write (&dt_parm.3); _gfortran_transfer_character_wide_write (&dt_parm.3, str, .str, 4); _gfortran_st_write_done (&dt_parm.3); }