--- Comment #15 from anlauf at gcc dot ---
(In reply to kargls from comment #14)
> > > If 'r' is of type REAL and 'z' is of type COMPLEX, the Fortran standard
> > > is clear that the interpretation is
> > > 
> > >     <result is complex> = r * z
> > >                         = (r, 0.) * z
> > 
> > Is that really clear from the standard?
> Not in F2023.  It is very clear in F77, 6.1.4 "Type and Interpretation
> of Arithmetic Expressions", Table 2.  That table explicitly says the
> type conversion is
> <result is complex> = cmplx(r, 0.) * z

That makes the conversion from real to complex sort of "slightly anti-linear":

  print *, cmplx (-1.), - cmplx (1.)


            (-1.00000000,0.00000000)           (-1.00000000,-0.00000000)


> > In your quote I read "the effect is as if ... converted ...".
> > 
> > With IEEE arithmetic available, it seems to be not clear to me if the
> > imaginary part has to be +0.; couldn't its sign depend on the sign of
> > the real part?  Would that be a non-conforming implementation?
> Fortran 2023 does not specify any particular value for the imaginary
> part when type conversion occurs.  It would be ludicrous to assume
> any value other than 0; but hey, got for it set it to -3.141526

I was more thinking of e.g.:

  complex function my_cmplx (r)
    real, intent(in) :: r
    my_cmplx = cmplx (r, sign (0., r))
  end function my_cmplx

which when used as:

  print *, my_cmplx (1.), my_cmplx (-1.)


             (1.00000000,0.00000000)           (-1.00000000,-0.00000000)

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