--- Comment #13 from R. Diez <rdiez-2006 at rd10 dot de> ---

> Those two could be combined into one struct so there's only one destructor 
> registration instead of two. 

Thanks for your help, but reducing the number of atexit calls doesn't really
help me much. As I said, the first atexit block reserves 32 slots at once,
allegedly because of some ANSI conformance.

Anyway, I am getting increasingly confused.

File "libstdc++-v3/include/std/system_error" is virtually unchanged between
gcc-13.3.0 and gcc-14.2.0, and file "" hasn't changed very much
either, so the union trick is the same. That means that
'generic_category_instance' and 'system_category_instance' were there before.
Why am I getting these new atexit() calls now then?

I did some further testing. I took a rather small firmware of mine which does
not use std::string at all, and no _GLOBAL__sub_I__ZSt20__throw_system_errori
was generated.

I add the same union trick code, and it did. I kept reducing that code, and
this is what I found. When I add the following code,
_GLOBAL__sub_I__ZSt20__throw_system_errori with the 2 atexit calls for
generic_category_instance and system_category_instance:

class test_class_rdiez
  virtual void test ( void ) const throw()
    std::string str;

static test_class_rdiez instance_rdiez;

It is the mere presence of a virtual method which uses an std::string what
triggers those atexit calls.

If I remove 'virtual' or 'std::string str;' from the code above, the atexit
calls disappear.

I am now thinking that some C++ exception support code somewhere is calling
__throw_system_error(), but I do not know enough to pin-point the location.
That C++ support code has probably changed between GCC 13 and 14, and that is
why I am now running into my "atexit should be empty" assertion.

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