--- Comment #7 from Oliver Schönrock <oschonrock at gmail dot com> ---
I did some additional testing on older distributions. On debian 11, bullseye,
oldstable, we have 

gcc version 10.2.1 20210110 (Debian 10.2.1-6) 

I noticed that my patch DID NOT apply

and the leak is NOT present with libstc++ as is. 

$ ./build/gcc/release/sort_leak 
Single threaded sort:
VM:    13900   RSS:    11012 (kB)
VM:    13968   RSS:    11288 (kB)
VM:    13968   RSS:    11288 (kB)
VM:    13968   RSS:    11288 (kB)
VM:    13968   RSS:    11288 (kB)

par_unseq sort:
VM:    94268   RSS:    15684 (kB)
VM:    94268   RSS:    15684 (kB)
VM:    94268   RSS:    15684 (kB)
VM:    94268   RSS:    15684 (kB)
VM:    94268   RSS:    15684 (kB)

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