Hi, Could you help me confirm whether the situation I summarized in https://gist.github.com/SchrodingerZhu/84a334f8666b567800624446d354b568#file-gimple-c-L4 is a bug for GCCJIT or not? Once confirmed, I can try to file it to tracker if needed.
Thanks! Yifan Schrodinger ZHU Yifan, Ph.D. Student Computer Science Department, University of Rochester Personal Email: i...@zhuyi.fan Work Email: yifan...@rochester.edu Website: https://www.cs.rochester.edu/~yzhu104/Main.html Github: SchrodingerZhu GPG Fingerprint: BA02CBEB8CB5D8181E9368304D2CC545A78DBCC3
Description: OpenPGP digital signature