Bug ID: 117514
           Summary: sizeof(c_null_ptr) or something?
           Product: gcc
           Version: 14.2.1
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P3
         Component: fortran
          Assignee: unassigned at gcc dot
          Reporter: 8e3g6jay6 at mozmail dot com
  Target Milestone: ---

To be honest with you, I'm not too sure what is going on here but this line
crashes the compiler:

call required_device_extensions%push_back(c_loc(required_extension))

Here is the full code for this module:

module vulkan_driver_select_physical_device
  use :: forvulkan
  use :: forvulkan_parameters
  use :: vector
  use :: integer32_set
  use :: vulkan_driver_find_queue_families
  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  implicit none

  ! todo: re-tool this so we can query multiple devices and rank them.


  subroutine select_physical_device(vulkan_instance, physical_device,
    implicit none

    ! VkInstance
    integer(c_int64_t), intent(in), value :: vulkan_instance
    ! VkPhysicalDevice
    integer(c_int64_t), intent(inout) :: physical_device
    ! VkSurfaceKHR
    integer(c_int64_t), intent(in), value :: window_surface
    integer(c_int32_t) :: device_count, i
    ! c_int64_t [VkPhysicalDevice]
    type(vec) :: available_devices
    ! VkPhysicalDevice *
    integer(c_int64_t), pointer :: device_pointer
    character(len = :, kind = c_char), pointer :: device_name

    print"(A)","[Vulkan]: Selecting physical device."

    ! First, we will get the available devices from Vulkan.
    if (vk_enumerate_physical_devices(vulkan_instance, device_count,
c_null_ptr) /= VK_SUCCESS) then
      error stop "[Vulkan] Error: Failed to enumerate physical devices."
    end if

    if (device_count == 0) then
      ! todo: in Formine we will make this clean up then run the OpenGL driver.
      error stop "[Vulkan] Error: No GPU with Vulkan support available."
    end if

    ! Now, create the vector to store the data.
    available_devices = new_vec(sizeof(physical_device), int(device_count,
    call available_devices%resize(int(device_count, c_int64_t),

    ! Here we're passing in the underlying C array.
    if (vk_enumerate_physical_devices(vulkan_instance, device_count,
available_devices%get(1_8)) /= VK_SUCCESS) then
      error stop "[Vulkan] Error: Failed to enumerate physical devices."
    end if

    ! Let's find a device that's suitable.
    device_search: do i = 1,int(available_devices%size())
      ! We're inlining transfering the device pointer from the interal C array
into Fortran.
      call c_f_pointer(available_devices%get(int(i, c_int64_t)),

      ! We found it, woo. That's our physical device.
      ! todo: Make a menu option to select another physical device.
      if (device_is_suitable(device_pointer, device_name, window_surface)) then
        physical_device = device_pointer
        exit device_search
      end if
    end do device_search

    if (physical_device == VK_NULL_HANDLE) then
      error stop "[Vulkan] Error: No suitable GPU available."
      ! todo: can put these devices in some kind of array instead of just
destroying the pointers.
      print"(A)","[Vulkan]: Using physical device ["//device_name//"]"
    end if
  end subroutine select_physical_device

  function device_is_suitable(device_pointer, device_name, window_surface)
    implicit none

    ! VkPhysicalDevice
    integer(c_int64_t), intent(inout), pointer :: device_pointer
    character(len = :, kind = c_char), intent(inout), pointer :: device_name
    ! VkSurfaceKHR
    integer(c_int64_t), intent(in), value :: window_surface
    type(forvulkan_queue_family_indices) :: queue_family_indices
    logical(c_bool) :: suitable
    type(vk_physical_device_properties), pointer :: device_properties
    type(vk_physical_device_features), pointer :: device_features
    integer(c_int32_t) :: i, device_name_length

    suitable = .false.

    call vk_get_physical_device_properties(device_pointer,

    call vk_get_physical_device_features(device_pointer,

    ! Check if we have the bare minimum to run with.
    ! todo: score GPUs.
    ! todo: device_properties%device_type ==
    ! todo:
    ! todo: Base device suitability checks
    ! if (device_features%geometry_shader == VK_TRUE) then
    suitable = .true.
    ! end if

    ! todo: this should probably just go into a string pointer map.
    ! Get the device name length.
      if (device_properties%device_name(i) == achar(0)) then
        device_name_length = i - 1
      end if
    end do

    ! Now copy it over.
    !! fixme: This is a memory leak when we start checking multiple gpus. :D
    allocate(character(len = device_name_length, kind = c_char) :: device_name)
    do i = 1,device_name_length
      device_name(i:i) = device_properties%device_name(i)
    end do

    ! Check our queue families.
    queue_family_indices = find_queue_families(device_pointer, window_surface)

    print"(A)","[Vulkan]: Found physical device ["//device_name//"]"

    ! Now, if we have all needed components, we have our physical device!
    if (queue_family_indices%graphics_family_has_value .and.
queue_family_indices%present_family_has_value) then
      print"(A)","[Vulkan]: Device has graphical queue family and present
      ! No if else, we want to warn about every unsupported queue family.
      if (.not. queue_family_indices%graphics_family_has_value) then
        print"(A)", "[Vulkan]: Device has no graphical queue family."
      end if
      if (.not. queue_family_indices%present_family_has_value) then
        print"(A)", "[Vulkan]: Device has no present queue family."
      end if

      suitable = .false.
    end if

    if (.not. check_device_extension_support(device_pointer)) then
      !! FIXME: this needs to list which extension!
      print"(A)", "[Vulkan]: Device has no extension support."
    end if

  end function device_is_suitable

  function check_device_extension_support(physical_device) result(has_support)
    implicit none

    integer(c_int64_t), intent(in), value :: physical_device
    logical(c_bool) :: has_support
    integer(c_int32_t) :: extension_count
    ! VkExtensionProperties
    type(vec) :: available_extensions
    ! character(:)
    type(vec) :: required_device_extensions
    type(vk_extension_properties), pointer :: extension_properties
    character(len = :, kind = c_char), pointer :: required_extension
    integer(c_int32_t) :: i

    if (vk_enumerate_device_extension_properties(physical_device, c_null_ptr,
extension_count, c_null_ptr) /= VK_SUCCESS) then
      error stop "[Vulkan] Error: Failed to enumerate device extension
    end if

    call create_required_device_extensions(required_device_extensions)

    ! call c_f_pointer(required_device_extensions%get(1_8), required_extension)

    ! print*,required_extension

    ! print*,extension_count

    ! allocate(extension_properties)
    ! available_extensions = new_vec(sizeof(extension_properties), 0_8)
    ! call available_extensions%resize(int(extension_count,c_int64_t),
    ! deallocate(extension_properties)

    ! do i = 1,int(available_extensions%size())

    ! end do

  end function check_device_extension_support

  subroutine create_required_device_extensions(required_device_extensions)
    implicit none

    ! character *
    type(vec), intent(inout) :: required_device_extensions
    character(len = :, kind = c_char), pointer :: required_extension

    required_device_extensions = new_vec(sizeof(c_null_ptr), 0_8)

    allocate(character(len = 32, kind = c_char) :: required_extension)
    required_extension = "VK_KHR_SWAPCHAIN_EXTENSION_NAME"//achar(0)

    call required_device_extensions%push_back(c_loc(required_extension))

  end subroutine create_required_device_extensions

end module vulkan_driver_select_physical_device

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