--- Comment #13 from David Malcolm <dmalcolm at gcc dot> ---
I'm experimenting with a new


with this rough grammar:

  <output-format-specifier>: <output-format-name>
                             <output-format-name> ":" key_value_pairs

  <output-format-name>: "text"
                      : "sarif"
                      (and others could be added by GCC plugins)

  <key-value-pairs>: <key-value-pair>
                   : <key-value-pair> "," <key-value-pairs>

  <key-value-pair>: <key> "=" <value>

  <key>: string without a '='
  <value>: string without a ','

i.e. an output format name followed by zero or more comma-separated key=value

Some examples:

where e.g. {output-filename} would be substituted with the output filename from
the gcc invocation.

More complicated examples:

Specifiying the SARIF version (see bug 116301):


Supporting experiments with hierarchical diagnostics (see bug 116253):


and so forth.


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