--- Comment #6 from Hime Haieto <himehaieto at gmail dot com> ---
I was pretty sure the first example in the attachment to this PR was something
that should work (less so about the second), though something something
standardese something something language lawyers.  Especially to one that
doesn't even have the final spec when various subtleties were under frequent
refinement, it can be hard to know what's supposed to be valid.  I remember
seeing some stuff suggesting that the rules would be different if it was
something completed in the same vs a different translation unit, for instance,
and I'm just a passerby to the spec.

Your point about whether the spec is perfect is well understood, but that's
what c2y/c2z/hopes/dreams are for, and what matters here is just what the spec
states rather than what it "should".  That being said, I'm normally rigid about
forward declaring *everything* even when the definition is literally one line
further down (don't judge!), so now I'm kinda wondering if there may have been
a cvise reduction issue here.

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