--- Comment #13 from kargls at comcast dot net ---
On 8/27/24 12:25, anlauf at gcc dot wrote:
> --- Comment #12 from anlauf at gcc dot ---
> (In reply to kargls from comment #11)
> I tried a simpler variation of your patch that aims at a more coherent
> error message:
> diff --git a/gcc/fortran/ b/gcc/fortran/
> index f7cbb4bb5e2..28b27874298 100644
> --- a/gcc/fortran/
> +++ b/gcc/fortran/
> @@ -4377,10 +4377,22 @@ sort_actual (const char *name, gfc_actual_arglist 
> **ap,
>     if (a == NULL)
>       goto do_sort;
> +  /* The generic interface of the following intrinsics was extended in F2008.
> +     A specific interface may not be available at a selected standard.  */
> +  if ((gfc_option.allow_std & GFC_STD_F2008) != 0
> +      && (strcmp (name, "atan") == 0
> +         || strcmp (name, "atand") == 0))
> +    goto no_specific;
> +

atand is a F2023 intrinsic, so you need to check against GFC_STD_F2028.
>   whoops:
>     gfc_error ("Too many arguments in call to %qs at %L", name, where);
>     return false;
> +no_specific:
> +  gfc_error ("Generic function %qs at %L is not consistent with a "
> +            "specific intrinsic interface", name, where);
> +  return false;
> +
>   keywords:
>     /* Associate the remaining actual arguments, all of which have
>        to be keyword arguments.  */
> With this you get the message:
> Error: Generic function 'atan' at (1) is not consistent with a specific
> intrinsic interface
> whether atan is explicitly declared as intrinsic or not.
>> Now, to real cause so head scratching.  keywords are not honored!
>> subroutine s3
>>     real :: r = 1.
>>     print *, atan (y=-1.d0,x=r)  ! Should give error similar to s1 case
>> end
>> % gfcx -c a.f90
>> a.f90:3:10:
>>       3 |   print *, atan (y=-1.d0,x=r)  ! Should give error similar to
>> s1 case
>>         |          1
>> Error: Cannot find keyword named ‘y’ in call to ‘atan’ at (1)
>> I think we need to rethink the handling of the 2 argument case, where we
>> make the second argument optional.   Then, in gfc_check_atan, we need to
>> swap expressions to align Y with arg1 and X with arg2.
> Yes, this is because once a keyword is used, we never reach the check.
> Which makes me think whether sort_actual is the right place for the check.

I'm inclined to agree with you.
> Is there any generic intrinsic where a keyword is needed for resolving?
> Besides the weird ALLOCATED(), where there can be only one argument
> (ARRAY or SCALAR), but then this is a fixed number.
I'm not aware on any.  AFAIK, all optional arguments come after any required
actual arguments.  Positional resolution occurs before keyword resolution
unless the first argument uses a keyword.

I tried modifying in

                         BT_REAL, dr, GFC_STD_F77,
                         gfc_check_fn_rc2008, gfc_simplify_atan, 
                         x, BT_REAL, dr, REQUIRED);


                         BT_REAL, dr, GFC_STD_F77,
                         gfc_check_atan, NULL, NULL,  /* NULLs are temps */
                         y, BT_REAL, dr, OPTIONAL, x, BT_REAL, dr, 

which compiles (with modifications to gfc_check_atan) but gfortran is not
expecting an optional argument to occur before a required argument. This
then caused gfortran to reject atan(1.) but accept atan(x=1.). 
J3 defines atan(x) and atan(y,x).  So, I think we need to have

                         BT_REAL, dr, GFC_STD_F77,
                         gfc_check_atan, NULL, NULL,  /* NULLs are temps */
                         x, BT_REAL, dr, REQUIRED, y, BT_REAL, dr, 

If 'y' is non-null in gfc_check_atan(), then we'll need to swap the
expressions for 'x' and 'y'.  But, we'll need to be mindful of
atan(y=0.5, x=1.) as these should be swapped.

AFAIK, atan, atand, and atanpi need this treatment.

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