--- Comment #9 from kargls at comcast dot net ---
(In reply to anlauf from comment #8)
> (In reply to kargls from comment #7)
> > I can no longer edit meta data for a PR.  The keyword: field is wrong.  This
> > is an ice-on-invalid-code.  Please change.
> I think you need to login with your address now, if you have
> one.

Looking towards the future, I am trying to unify all of my accounts
across the planet to use one email address.  Too many accounts to

> Regarding your patch, is there a reason you emit the symbol name twice?
>    gfc_error ("Declared type of %qs has an ABSTRACT attribute, "
>               "%qs cannot appear in the array constructor at %L",
>               expr->symtree->name, expr->symtree->name, &expr->where);
> How about just doing it once (see e.g. NAG)?

I had 

    gfc_error ("Declared type of %qs has an ABSTRACT attribute, "
               "it cannot appear in the array constructor at %L",
               expr->symtree->name, &expr->where);

but the word 'it' seemed too vague to me.  Using NAG's message 
would have

    gfc_error ("Array constructor value %qs at %L is of abstract type %qs",
               expr->symtree->name, &expr->where, expr->ts.u.derived->name);

with the output

Array constructor value A_ARRAY is of abstract type __CLASS_MY_MODULE_A_1_0A

gfortran mangles names.  I suppose we can do

    gfc_error ("Array constructor value %qs at %L is of abstract type,
               expr->symtree->name, &expr->where);

and leave out the name of the derived type.

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