--- Comment #9 from LIU Hao <lh_mouse at 126 dot com> ---
Created attachment 58656
reduced testcase

After spending four days on this, I have reduced a testcase. `./` should
reproduce the segfault.

The bug exists around the initialization of a global variable in 'file2.cpp':
auto e = new std::discard_block_engine< int >;

We compile this file:
g++ -O2 -S -masm=intel file2.cpp

which produces
        call    "_Znwy"                                  # %rax = ::operator
        mov     rcx, QWORD PTR "e"[rip]                  # %rcx = &e
        mov     r10, rax                                 # %r10 = %rax
        call    "_ZNSt20discard_block_engineIiEclEv"     #
                                                         #  -> `this` is passed
via %rcx.
        mov     QWORD PTR "d"[rip], r10                  # d = %r10
                                                         #  -> BUG. %r10 has
been clobbered by the above call
                                                         #     and now contains
a garbage value.
        mov     DWORD PTR [r10], eax                     # *(DWORD*)%r10 = %eax
                                                         #  -> this faults.

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