--- Comment #3 from Peter Damianov <peter0x44 at disroot dot org> ---
Looking in a hex editor, what gcc is doing is changing the CRLF to LFLF, there
is no CR in the output.

  /* If the file is using old-school Mac line endings (\r only),
     terminate with another \r, not an \n, so that we do not mistake
     the \r\n sequence for a single DOS line ending and erroneously
     issue the "No newline at end of file" diagnostic.  */
  if (to.len && to.text[to.len - 1] == '\r')
    to.text[to.len] = '\r';
    to.text[to.len] = '\n';

I noticed this code, but commenting it out makes the compiler fail selftests.

I'll keep looking to see if I can find the code responsible for doing that.

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