Bruno Haible <bruno at clisp dot org> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |bruno at clisp dot org

--- Comment #1 from Bruno Haible <bruno at clisp dot org> ---
What does *printf of %lc with a (wint_t) '\0' argument do?

Note that the published POSIX:2018 still has a wrong description: Its
description requires *printf to produce 0 characters.

This was wrong in ISO C as well. It has been corrected in ISO C 23 ยง,
in the meeting from 2023-06-20 to 2023-06-23. See  section GB-141 page
23, 24. The decision ("option 1") is detailed in row GB-141 page 34,
  "Option 1 (require a NUL) - change the text to:
   If an l length modifier is present, the wint_t argument is converted
   as if by a call to the wcrtomb function with a pointer to storage of
   at least MB_CUR_MAX bytes, the wint_t argument converted to wchar_t,
   and an initial shift state."
This description requires *printf to produce 1 NUL character.

Then, the Austin Group followed suit and, through , decided that POSIX will use the
same definition:
  "If an l (ell) qualifier is present, the wint_t argument shall be converted
   to a multi-byte sequence as if by a call to wcrtomb( ) with the wint_t
   argument converted to wchar_t and an initial shift state, and the
   resulting bytes written."

This aligns the POSIX behaviour with what glibc was doing all the time, namely
to produce 1 NUL character.

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