--- Comment #6 from Jonathan Wakely <redi at gcc dot> ---
Some of the tests FAIL for different reasons:

In function:
    _FIter std::upper_bound(_FIter, _FIter, const _Tp&, _Compare) [with
    _FIter = gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator<gnu_cxx::normal_iterator<Num<float>*,
    vector<Num<float>, allocator<Num<float> > > >, debug::vector<Num<float>,
    allocator<Num<float> > >, random_access_iterator_tag>; _Tp = Num<float>;
    _Compare = main()::<lambda(Num<float>, Num<float>)>]

Error: elements in iterator range [first, last) are not partitioned by the
predicate __comp and value __val.

Objects involved in the operation:
    iterator "first" @ 0x7ffda0426810 {
      type = gnu_cxx::normal_iterator<Num<float>*, std::vector<Num<float>,
std::allocator<Num<float> > > > (mutable iterator);
      state = dereferenceable (start-of-sequence);
      references sequence with type 'std::debug::vector<Num<float>,
std::allocator<Num<float> > >' @ 0x7ffda0427730
    iterator "last" @ 0x7ffda0426840 {
      type = gnu_cxx::normal_iterator<Num<float>*, std::vector<Num<float>,
std::allocator<Num<float> > > > (mutable iterator);
      state = dereferenceable;
      references sequence with type 'std::debug::vector<Num<float>,
std::allocator<Num<float> > >' @ 0x7ffda0427730
FAIL: 25_algorithms/pstl/alg_sorting/  -std=gnu++17 execution

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