--- Comment #16 from Patrick O'Neill <patrick at rivosinc dot com> --- This version with printf reproduces the problem on both the old and new versions of QEMU: int printf(char *, ...); int a, l, i, p, q, t, n, o; int *volatile c; static int j; static struct pack_1_struct d; long e; char m = 5; short s; #pragma pack(1) struct pack_1_struct { long c; int d; int e; int f; int g; int h; int i; } h, r = {1}, *f = &h, *volatile g; void add_em_up(int count, ...) { __builtin_va_list ap; __builtin_va_start(ap, count); __builtin_va_end(ap); } int main() { int u; j = 0; for (; j < 9; ++j) { u = ++t ? a : 0; if (u) { int *v = &d.d; *v = g || e; *c = 0; *f = h; } s = l && c; o = i; d.f || (p = 0); q |= n; } r = *f; add_em_up(1, 1); printf("%d\n", m); }