--- Comment #9 from Petr Sumbera <sumbera at volny dot cz> ---
(In reply to from comment #8)
> > I'm not sure if we taked about this before: have you tried building SPARC 
> > LLVM
> > without the JIT patch (033-solaris-LLVM-JIT.patch)?  It may be worth a try
> > until someone fixes and integrates SPARC JIT support for real.

I will try to build LLVM without the patch and will see. But the patch says it
was created because of gnome-shell.

> Another question: do you have a way to reliably reproduce that SEGV?
> When I run gnome-shell with X11 forwarding (i.e. without a full GNOME
> session), I get this instead:

Yes, it fails everytime one try to run vncserver on SPARC on st-152.

Maybe you need install pkg:/group/feature/multi-user-desktop?!

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