--- Comment #1 from Tobias Burnus <burnus at gcc dot> ---
Correction: I think I linked the wrong file, it should be:

 * * *

Probably better location is the following, which gives the diagnost shown below

+      p->where = omp_current_ctx->code->loc;

Namely, this gives for 'x' and 'y':

   85 |     !$omp target parallel num_threads(OMPVV_NUM_THREADS_DEVICE)
map(tofrom: a, b, x, y)
      |                                                                1

And for 'x':

   48 |     !$omp target parallel num_threads(OMPVV_NUM_THREADS_DEVICE)
map(tofrom: a, b, x)
      |                                                             1
Error: Symbol 'x' present on multiple clauses at (1)

The latter code is:

    !$omp target parallel num_threads(OMPVV_NUM_THREADS_DEVICE) map(tofrom: a,
b, x)
    !$omp loop lastprivate(x)
    DO x = 1, NSIZE
      a(x) = a(x) + b(x)
    END DO
    !$omp end loop
    !$omp end target parallel

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