--- Comment #11 from Gaius Mulley <gaius at gcc dot> --- Many thanks for the analysis. Taking your idea and assuming that Sym 6114 is a procedure then I think the correction is: PROCEDURE IsExternal (sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR mod: CARDINAL ; BEGIN (* new code starts here. *) IF IsProcedure (sym) AND IsExtern (sym) THEN RETURN TRUE END ; (* end of new code. *) mod := GetScope(sym) ; REPEAT IF mod=NulSym THEN RETURN( FALSE ) ELSIF IsDefImp(mod) THEN RETURN( mod#GetMainModule() ) END ; mod := GetScope(mod) UNTIL mod=NulSym ; RETURN( FALSE ) END IsExternal ; In gcc/m2/gm2-compiler/SymbolTable.mod procedures can be queried as IsExtern. The ctors are special case created in gcc/m2/gm2-compiler/M2Scaffold.mod. It looks as if the special case might not have been tested in IsExternal.