--- Comment #9 from rguenther at suse dot de <rguenther at suse dot de> ---
On Tue, 31 May 2022, crazylht at gmail dot com wrote:

> --- Comment #8 from Hongtao.liu <crazylht at gmail dot com> ---
> Looks like codesize decreased after
> r13-754-ga1c9f779f75283427316b5c670c1e01ff8ce9ced.
> Now we have cost model for unswitching loop
> decorate.c:605:25: note: not unswitching condition, cost too big (37 insns
> copied to 35 and 37)

Yes, I noticed that when comparing opt-info before/after on SPEC as
well.  Note the actual cost limit wasn't adjusted in any way, there's
still some planned improvements pending and adjusting the cost limit
is one of that.

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