--- Comment #12 from Michael_S <already5chosen at yahoo dot com> ---
(In reply to Michael_S from comment #11)
> (In reply to Michael_S from comment #10)
> > BTW, the same ideas as in the code above could improve speed of division
> > operation (on modern 64-bit HW) by factor of 3 (on Intel) or 2 (on AMD).
> Did it.
> On Intel it's even better than anticipated. 5x speedup on Haswell and
> Skylake,
> 4.5x on Ivy Bridge.
> Unfortunately, right now I have no connection to my Zen3 test system, so
> can't
> measure on it with final variant. But according to preliminary tests the
> speedup should be slightly better than 2x.

It seems now I fixed all details of rounding.
Including cases of sub-normal results.
Even ties now appear to be broken to even, as prescribed.
It can take a bit more polish, esp. a comments, but even in this form
much better than what you have now.

#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <quadmath.h>

static __inline uint64_t umulx64(uint64_t mult1, uint64_t mult2, int rshift)
  return (uint64_t)(((unsigned __int128)mult1 * mult2)>>rshift);

static __inline uint64_t umulh64(uint64_t mult1, uint64_t mult2)
  return umulx64(mult1, mult2, 64);

static __inline void set__float128(__float128* dst, uint64_t wordH, uint64_t
wordL) {
  unsigned __int128 res_u128 = ((unsigned __int128)wordH << 64) | wordL;
  memcpy(dst, &res_u128, sizeof(*dst)); // hopefully __int128 and __float128
have the endianness

// return number of leading zeros
static __inline int normalize_float128(uint64_t* pMantH, uint64_t* pMantL) {
  const uint64_t MANT_H_MSK   = (uint64_t)-1 >> 16;
  uint64_t mantH = *pMantH, mantL = *pMantL;
  int lz;
  if (mantH == 0) {
    lz = __builtin_clzll(mantL);
    mantL <<= lz + 1; // shift out all leading zeroes and first leading 1
    mantH = mantL >> 16;
    mantL = mantL << 48;
    lz += 48;
  } else {
    lz = __builtin_clzll(mantH)-16;
    mantH = (mantH << (lz+1)) | mantL >> (63-lz);
    mantL = mantL << (lz + 1);
  mantH &= MANT_H_MSK;
  *pMantH = mantH;
  *pMantL = mantL;
  return lz;

void my__divtf3(__float128* result, const __float128* num, const __float128*
  typedef unsigned __int128 __uint128;
  __uint128 u_num, u_den;
  memcpy(&u_num, num, sizeof(u_num));
  memcpy(&u_den, den, sizeof(u_den));

  const uint64_t BIT_30       = (uint64_t)1 << 30;
  const uint64_t BIT_48       = (uint64_t)1 << 48;
  const uint64_t BIT_63       = (uint64_t)1 << 63;

  const uint64_t SIGN_BIT     = BIT_63;
  const uint64_t SIGN_OFF_MSK = ~SIGN_BIT;
  const uint64_t MANT_H_MSK   = (uint64_t)-1 >> 16;
  const uint64_t EXP_MSK      = (uint64_t)0x7FFF  << 48;
  const uint64_t pNAN_MSW     = (uint64_t)0x7FFF8 << 44;    // +NaN
  const uint64_t pINF_MSW     = EXP_MSK;                    // +Inf

  // parse num and handle special cases
  uint64_t numHi = (uint64_t)(u_num >> 64);
  uint64_t numLo = (uint64_t)u_num;
  uint64_t denHi = (uint64_t)(u_den >> 64);
  uint64_t denLo = (uint64_t)u_den;
  unsigned numSexp = numHi >> 48;
  unsigned numExp  = numSexp & 0x7FFF;
  int      inumExp = numExp;
  uint64_t numMantHi = numHi & MANT_H_MSK;
  uint64_t resSign = (numHi ^ denHi) & SIGN_BIT;
  if (numExp - 1 >= 0x7FFF - 1) {    // special cases
    if (numExp == 0x7FFF) {          // inf or Nan
       if ((numMantHi | numLo)==0) { // inf
         numHi = resSign | pINF_MSW; // Inf with proper sign
         if ((denLo == 0) && ((denHi & SIGN_OFF_MSK)==pINF_MSW)) { // den is
           numHi = pNAN_MSW;         // Inf/Inf => NaN
       set__float128(result, numHi, numLo);

    // numExp == 0 -> zero or sub-normal
    if (((numHi & SIGN_OFF_MSK) | numLo)==0) { // zero
      if ((denHi & EXP_MSK)==pINF_MSW) {       // den = inf or Nan
        if ((denLo == 0) && ((denHi & SIGN_OFF_MSK)==pINF_MSW)) { // den is inf
          numHi = resSign;  // return zero with proper sign
        } else { // den is Nan
          // return den
          numLo = denLo;
          numHi = denHi;
      if (((denHi & SIGN_OFF_MSK) | denLo)==0) { // den is zero
        numHi = pNAN_MSW; // 0/0 => NaN
      set__float128(result, numHi, numLo);

    // num is sub-normal: normalize
    inumExp -= normalize_float128(&numMantHi, &numLo);

  // num is normal or normalized

  // parse den and handle special cases
  unsigned denSexp   = denHi >> 48;
  unsigned denExp    = denSexp & 0x7FFF;
  int      idenExp   = denExp;
  uint64_t denMantHi = denHi & MANT_H_MSK;
  if (denExp - 1 >= 0x7FFF - 1) {    // special cases
    if (denExp == 0x7FFF) {          // inf or Nan
       if ((denMantHi | denLo)==0) { // den is inf
         // return zero with proper sign
         denHi = resSign;
         denLo = 0;
       // if den==Nan then return den
       set__float128(result, denHi, denLo);

    // denExp == 0 -> zero or sub-normal
    if (((denHi & SIGN_OFF_MSK) | denLo)==0) { // den is zero
      // return Inf with proper sign
      numHi = resSign | pINF_MSW;
      numLo = 0;
      set__float128(result, numHi, numLo);

    // den is sub-normal: normalize
    idenExp -= normalize_float128(&denMantHi, &denLo);

  // both num and den are normal or normalized

  // calculate exponent of result
  int expDecr = (denMantHi > numMantHi) | ((denMantHi == numMantHi) & (denLo >
numLo)); // mant(den) >= mant(num)
  int iResExp = inumExp - idenExp - expDecr + 0x3FFF;
  if (iResExp >= 0x7FFF) { // Overflow
    // return Inf with proper sign
    set__float128(result, resSign | pINF_MSW, 0);
  if (iResExp < -112) { // underflow
    // return Zero with proper sign
    set__float128(result, resSign, 0);

  // calculate 64-bit approximation from below for 1/mantissa of den
  static const uint8_t recip_tab[64] = { // floor(1/(1+i/32)*512) - 256
   248, 240, 233, 225,   218, 212, 205, 199,
   192, 186, 180, 175,   169, 164, 158, 153,
   148, 143, 138, 134,   129, 125, 120, 116,
   112, 108, 104, 100,   96 , 92 , 88 , 85 ,
   81 , 78 , 74 , 71 ,   68 , 65 , 62 , 59 ,
   56 , 53 , 50 , 47 ,   44 , 41 , 39 , 36 ,
   33 , 31 , 28 , 26 ,   24 , 21 , 19 , 17 ,
   14 , 12 , 10 , 8  ,   6  , 4  , 2  , 0  ,

  // Look for approximate value of recip(x)=1/x
  // where x = 1:denMantHi:denMantLo
  unsigned r0 = recip_tab[denMantHi >> (48-6)]+256; // scale = 2**9
  // r0 is low estimate, r0*x is in range [0.98348999..1.0]
  // Est. Precisions: ~5.92 bits

  // Improve precision of r by two NR iterations
  uint64_t denMant30 = (denMantHi >> 18)+BIT_30+1;      // scale = 2**30, up to
32 bits
  // Only 30 upper bits of mantissa used in evaluation.  Use of minimal amount
of input bits
  // simplifies validation by exhausting with minimal negative effect on
worst-case precision
  // LSB of denMant30 is incremented by 1 in order to assure that
  // for any possible values of LS bits of denMantHi:Lo
  // the estimate r1 is lower than exact value of r
  const uint64_t TWO_SCALE60 = ((uint64_t)2 << 60) - 1; // scale = 2**60, 61
  uint64_t r1 = (uint64_t)r0 << 21;                     // scale = 2**30, 30
  r1 = (((TWO_SCALE60 - r1 * denMant30) >> 29)*r1) >> 31;
  r1 = (((TWO_SCALE60 - r1 * denMant30) >> 29)*r1) << 3;// scale = 2**64
  // r1 is low estimate
  // r1 is in range   [0x7ffffffeffffffe8..0xfffffefbffc00000]
  // r1*x is in range [0.9999999243512687..0.9999999999999999954]
  // Est. Precisions: ~23.65 bits

  // Further improve precision of the estimate by canonical 2nd-order NR
  // r2 = r1 * (P2*(r0*r0*x)**2 + P1*(r0*r0*x) + P0)
  // where
  // P2 = +1
  // P1 = -3
  // P0 = +3
  // At this point precision is of high importance, so evaluation is done in a
  // that minimizes impact of truncation while still doing majority of the work
  // efficient 64-bit arithmetic.
  // The transformed equation is r2 = r1 + r1*rx1_n*(rx1_n + 1)
  // where rx1_n = 1 - r1*x
  uint64_t  denMant64 = (denMantHi << 16)|(denLo >> 48); // Upper 64 bits of
mantissa, not including leading 1
  uint64_t  rx1    = umulh64(r1,denMant64) + r1 + 2;     // r1*(2**64+x+1),
scale = 2**64; nbits=64
  // rx1 calculated with x2_u=x+1 instead of x2=x, in order to assure that
  // for any possible values of 48 LS bits of x, the estimate r2 is lower than
exact values of r
  uint64_t rx1_n   = 0 - rx1;                            // rx1_n=1-r1*x      ,
scale = 2**64, nbits=42
  uint64_t termRB2 = umulh64(rx1_n, r1);                 // rx1_n*r1          ,
scale = 2**64, nbits=42
  uint64_t deltaR1 = umulh64(termRB2,rx1_n)+termRB2;     // termRB2*(rx1_n+1) ,
scale = 2**64, nbits=43
  uint64_t r2      = r1 + deltaR1;                       //                    
scale = 2**64, nbits=64
  // r2 is low estimate,
  // r2 is in range [0x7fffffffffffffff..0xfffffffffffffffe]
  // r2*x is in range [0.999_999_999_999_999_999_674_994  ..
  // Est. Precisions: ~61.41 bits
  // max(r2*x-1) ~= 5.995 * 2**-64

  uint64_t numMsw = ((numMantHi << 15) | (numLo >> (64-15))) + BIT_63;  //
scale = 2**63
  uint64_t res1 = umulh64(numMsw, r2) << expDecr;                       //
scale = 2**63

  __uint128 denx = ((__uint128)(denMantHi | BIT_48) << 64) | denLo;     //
scale = 2**112
  uint64_t prod1 = (uint64_t)((res1*(denx << 11)) >> 64)+1;             //
scale = 2**122
  uint64_t num122Lo = numLo << (10+expDecr);                            //
scale = 2**122
  uint64_t deltaProd= num122Lo - prod1;                                 //
scale = 2**122
  uint64_t deltaRes = umulh64(deltaProd, r2);                           //
scale = 2**122

  // Round deltaRes to scale = 2**112
  const unsigned N_GUARD_BITS = 10;
  const unsigned MAX_ERR      = 3;                     // scale 2**122
  __uint128 res2x;
  if (iResExp > 0) { // normal result
    const unsigned GUARD_BIT  = 1 << (N_GUARD_BITS-1); // scale 2**122
    const unsigned GUARD_MSK  = GUARD_BIT*2-1;         // scale 2**122
    uint64_t round_incr = GUARD_BIT;
    unsigned guard_bits = deltaRes & GUARD_MSK;
    if (guard_bits - (GUARD_BIT-MAX_ERR) < MAX_ERR) {
      // Guard bits are very close to the half-ULP (from below)
      // Direction of the rounding should be found by additional calculations
      __uint128 midRes = (((__uint128)res1 << 50)+(deltaRes >> 9)) | 1; //
scale 2**113
      // midRes resides between two representable output points
      __uint128 midProduct = midRes*denx;                  // scale 2**225
      uint64_t midProductH = (uint64_t)(midProduct >> 64); // scale 2**161
      if ((midProductH >> (161-113+expDecr)) & 1)
        round_incr = GUARD_MSK; // when guard bit of the product = 1, it means
that the product of midRes < num, so we need to round up
    deltaRes = (deltaRes + round_incr) >> 10;       // scale = 2**112
    res2x    = ((__uint128)res1 << 49) + deltaRes;  // scale = 2**112
  } else { // sub-normal result
    int shift = 1 - iResExp; // range [1:113]
    const __uint128 GUARD_BIT = (__uint128)1 << (shift+N_GUARD_BITS-1); //
scale = 2**122
    const __uint128 GUARD_MSK = GUARD_BIT*2 - 1;                        //
scale = 2**122
    __uint128 resx = ((__uint128)res1 << 59) + deltaRes;                //
scale = 2**122
    __uint128 guard_bits = resx & GUARD_MSK;
    resx >>= (shift+N_GUARD_BITS-2);                                    //
scale = 2**(114-shift)
    unsigned round_incr = 2;
    if (guard_bits - (GUARD_BIT-MAX_ERR) < MAX_ERR) {
      // Guard bits are very close to the half-ULP (from below)
      // Direction of the rounding should be found by additional calculations
      __uint128 midRes = resx ^ 3;             // scale 2**(114-shift, 2 LS
bits changed from '01' to '10'
      // midRes resides between two representable output points
      __uint128 midProduct = midRes*denx;      // scale 2**(226-shift)
      midProduct -= ((unsigned)resx >> 2) & 1; // Decrement a product when LS
Bit of non-rounded result=='1'
                                               // That's a dirty trick that
breaks ties toward nearest even.
                                               // Only necessary in subnormal
case. For normal results tie is impossible
      int guardPos = 226-113+expDecr-shift;
      uint64_t midProductGuardBit = (uint64_t)(midProduct >> guardPos) & 1;
      // When a guard bit of the product = 1, it means that the product of
midRes*den < num
      // Which means that we have to round up
      round_incr += midProductGuardBit;
    res2x = (resx + round_incr) >> 2;
    iResExp = 0;

  numMantHi = (res2x >> 64) & MANT_H_MSK;
  numLo     = res2x;
  numHi     = ((uint64_t)(iResExp) << 48) | numMantHi | resSign;

  set__float128(result, numHi, numLo);

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