Richard Biener <rguenth at gcc dot> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |hubicka at gcc dot
           Priority|P3                          |P1

--- Comment #3 from Richard Biener <rguenth at gcc dot> ---
There's an interesting missing value-numbering optimization here,
call_may_clobber_ref_p_1 considers the call to foo () possibly clobbering 'c'
even though 'c' does not escape the TU.

Since 'foo' is external there's no IPA reference or modref data but we
do know that !may_be_aliased (base) so we could amend

  /* If the reference is based on a decl that is not aliased the call
     cannot possibly clobber it.  */
  if (DECL_P (base)
      && !may_be_aliased (base)
      /* But local non-readonly statics can be modified through recursion
         or the call may implement a threading barrier which we must
         treat as may-def.  */
      && (TREE_READONLY (base)
          || !is_global_var (base)))
    return false;

to constrain the "But local ..." (note nested functions make 'local'
difficult to express so we use !is_global_var).  Of course the
threading barrier issue would still exist, but then the call itself
isn't clobbering it just serves as a barrier for code motion - I'm not
sure what kind of transforms we have to forbid.

Now, we _do_ have to ensure that foo () cannot access 'c' which it for
example might do if there's a

bar() { c = 3 };
void (*hook)() = bar;

and foo calls the exported *hook.  In the end we have

c/1 (c) @0x7ffff7ff3180
  Type: variable definition analyzed
  Visibility: semantic_interposition prevailing_def_ironly
  Referring: main/4 (write) main/4 (read)
  Availability: available
  Varpool flags: used-by-single-function

(semantic_interposition!?), used-by-single-function might be the "trick"
to use here.  Maybe we can also compute a non-recursive flag on
main/4 to say that control flow cannot possibly be (indirectly) recursive.

For the threading issue we might need a flag like
not-called-by-address-taken-functions (including not address taken itself) on
functions which should
practically rule out being a thread.

Anyway, the testcase in GCC 11 relies on cunrolli unrolling the inner loop
and cunroll unrolling the outer loop while GCC 12 no longer unrolls the
outer loop because

size: 18-3, last_iteration: 17-3
  Loop size: 18
  Estimated size after unrolling: 19
Not unrolling loop 1: contains call and code would grow.

while GCC 11 has

size: 17-3, last_iteration: 16-3
  Loop size: 17
  Estimated size after unrolling: 18
Making edge 14->9 impossible by redistributing probability to other edges.
Making edge 4->5 impossible by redistributing probability to other edges.
t.c:8:21: optimized: loop with 1 iterations completely unrolled (header
execution count 134197598)
Exit condition of peeled iterations was eliminated.
Last iteration exit edge was proved true.
Forced exit to be taken: if (0 != 0)

The difference is get_loop_hot_path () which on trunk gets presented with
a loop body where some extra path duplication has occured, duplicating the
to d and directing the path to foo () where the respective edge has 66%
probability vs. 33% on trunk and on the GCC 11 branch the situation
is reversed with 67% for the skip over the call.

On trunk threadfull1 duplicates the path with the store to 'd' and that
is also what wrecks the edge probabilities.

I think that's what we definitely need to fix here - the profile wreckage
done by threadfull1.

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