--- Comment #5 from Frank Heckenbach <> ---
As I replacement, I'll use the following code. It's a simple double-checked
lock, probably not as efficient as the original, but seems to work.

Posted here as RFC and for anyone else who encounters the problem. Released
under CC0/public domain.

#include <mutex>
#include <atomic>
#include <functional>

class once_flag
  std::atomic <bool> a { };
  std::mutex m;
  once_flag () = default;
  once_flag (once_flag &) = delete;
  friend void call_once (once_flag &o, auto &&f, auto && ... args)
    if (!o.a)
      if (std::lock_guard g (o.m); !o.a)
          std::invoke (std::forward <decltype (f)> (f), std::forward <decltype
(args)> (args) ...);
          o.a = true;

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