--- Comment #4 from Hannes Hauswedell <h2+bugs at fsfe dot org> ---
Well... we also try to avoid breaking changes in the standard ^^

The thing is that code that relies on the old definition will break one way or
another (and independent of compiler flags). The longer GCC compilers are being
shipped with the old behaviour, the more code will be broken, or not?
With GCC10 being in common distributions like Debian stable, we are actively
contributing to the old definition being around...

Since views were introduced in GCC10 (and are not an old and established
feature), I think that the situation here is different from for other "breaking
changes" and that we should quickly try to homogenize the GCC behaviour for as
many people as possible. I think that was also the reasoning for "allowing" the
change in the IS.

[Note that I was not strongly in favour of this change, I am just scared of
writing code that might change behaviour unknowingly soon ]

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