--- Comment #5 from Martin Liška <marxin at gcc dot> ---
And reduced test-case looks like this:

struct Plane {
  using T = float;
  T *Row();
using ImageF = Plane;
long long Mirror_x;
struct EnsurePaddingInPlaceRowByRow {
  void Process() {
    switch (strategy_) {
    case kSlow:
      float *row = img_.Row();
      long long xsize = x1_;
      while (Mirror_x >= xsize)
        if (Mirror_x)
          Mirror_x = 2 * xsize - 1;
      *row = Mirror_x;
  ImageF img_;
  unsigned x1_;
  enum { kSlow } strategy_;
void FinalizeImageRect() {
  EnsurePaddingInPlaceRowByRow ensure_padding;

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