Jeff Muizelaar <jmuizelaar at mozilla dot com> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |jmuizelaar at mozilla dot com

--- Comment #14 from Jeff Muizelaar <jmuizelaar at mozilla dot com> ---
re: __builtin_shuffle vs __builtin_shufflevector - It looks like
__builtin_shuffle doesn't support constructing vectors of a different size than
input type. That's mostly what we're using __builtin_shufflevector for.

I briefly tried to get the gcc variant of the code compiling with clang but ran
into a number of issues including clang's lack of support for
'__builtin_shuffle'. If you'd like to try, the swgl code is pretty easy to
build locally if you. You should be able to just checkout navigate to the the 'swgl' directory and
run 'cargo build --release'

re: inlining huge functions - We tried not inlining blend_pixels with clang and
it seems to have a negative impact on a number of benchmarks.

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