Dominique d'Humieres <dominiq at lps dot> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|dominiq at lps dot          |

--- Comment #10 from Dominique d'Humieres <dominiq at lps dot> ---
My email address has changed:

dhumieres dot dominique at free dot fr

It is not registered in bugzilla.

% gfc pr57871.f90 
% ./a.out
 kind(1.0_p1)           4 precision(1.0_p1)           6
 kind(1.0_dp)           8 precision(1.0_dp)          15

So without option kind(1.0_p1) is 4, should not it be converted to 16 with
-freal-4-real-16? The other alternative is that -freal-4-real-16 promotes all
real(4) to real(16), then the smallest selected_real_kind(1) will be 8 (as
expected by the reporter), then kind(1.0_p1) will be real(8).

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