--- Comment #1 from Ray Zhang <peifeng2005 at gmail dot com> --- Providing more context with the first example (also applies for the rest): 1) // pointer to array - works in clang (trunk), // works in gcc (trunk) reinterpret_cast<int* const T::* const (*) [2]>(x); T1: const pointer to const pointer to const pm(T) to const pointer to const U1 T2: pointer to const array of 2 const pm(T) to const pointer to U2 In this case, there exists multiple cv-decompositions, as [7.3.6].1 example 1 states: > [Example 1: The type denoted by the type-id const int ** has three > cv-decompositions, taking U as “int”, as “pointer to const int”, and as > “pointer to pointer to const int”. The cv-decompositions we have here for T1 is: - const pointer to const U1 - const pointer to const pointer to const U1 - const pointer to const pointer to const pm(T) to const U1 - const pointer to const pointer to const pm(T) to const pointer to const U1 If we fulfill one such cv-decompositions, we can consider that reinterpret_cast will not cast away constness, though U1 and U2 may be nested pointer/array types of interest. The unique cv-decomposition that a compiler can decide to take of T1 is: - const pointer to const U1, where U1 is "pointer to const pm(T) to const pointer to const int" The cv-decomposition on T2 can be done similarly: - const pointer to const U2, where U2 is "array of 2 const pm(T) to const pointer to int" Thus, we can perform a reinterpret cast from U1 to U2 without casting away constness.