kargl at gcc dot changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |kargl at gcc dot
     Ever confirmed|0                           |1
   Last reconfirmed|                            |2020-08-19
             Status|UNCONFIRMED                 |NEW

--- Comment #4 from kargl at gcc dot ---
(In reply to B Eggen from comment #3)
> Here is the latest f90 file:
> program nint_error
>   integer :: n, m
>   integer(kind=16) :: i, j, nint
>   integer, parameter :: idp=selected_real_kind(9,99)
>   integer, parameter :: i16=selected_int_kind(38)
>   real(kind=idp) :: x, y
>   write(*,'(*(g0:" "))') 'i16=', i16, huge(i)
>   i=1_16
>   x=1.0d0
>   do n=1, 128, 1
>      j=i-1_16
>      y=x-1.0d0
>      m=nint(y) ! this compiles, but gives wrong results
> !     m=nint(y,i16) ! this will generate an internal compiler error
>      write(*,'(*(g0:" "))') n, i, x, m
>      i=i+i
>      x=x+x
>      if ( (m<1) .and. (n>3)) exit
>   end do
>   do i=2147483647_16-10_16, 2147483648_16+10_16, 1_16
>      x=dble(i)
>      m=nint(x)
>      write(*,'(*(g0:" "))') i, x, m
>   end do
>   stop
> end program nint_error

It is somewhat hard to decipher what the problem.  You have conflated
correct behavior with that of an apparent.  First, 

m = nint(y) 

will return a default integer.  From 16.9.141

   Result Characteristics. Integer. If KIND is present, the kind type
   parameter is that specified by the value of KIND; otherwise, the
   kind type parameter is that of default integer type.

on your target the default integer kind is 4 (i.e., a 32-bit signed
integer).  This means that

32 2147483648 2147483648.0000000 2147483647
33 4294967296 4294967296.0000000 -1

your program becomes nonconforming for n = 33.  The Fortran standard

  A program shall not invoke an intrinsic procedure under circumstances
  where a value to be assigned to a subroutine argument or returned as
  a function result is not representable by objects of the specified
  type and type parameters.

The function result of 4294967296 is technically not representable
(except that you're getting twos-complement wrap around).

As to your observation about IDNINT.  It is a specific name for
the generic intrinsic NINT.  It has one double precision argument.
It does not have a kind argument.

Now, onto the bug.  It can be distilled down to 

   program nint_error
     implicit none
     integer(kind=16) ::  m
     real(8) :: x, y
     x = 1
     y = x - 1
     m = nint(y,16)

end program nint_error

% gfcx -o z a.f90 && ./z

    9 |   m = nint(y,16)
internal compiler error: in build_round_expr, at fortran/trans-intrinsic.c:396
0x5bd9fa build_round_expr
0x5bd9fa build_fix_expr
0x8c7bf2 gfc_conv_intrinsic_int

It would seem that a fold_convert to an appropriate kind is missing.

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