--- Comment #3 from Martin Sebor <msebor at gcc dot> --- On second thought, I think the warning might be correct. The function it's issued for is a static member of class Type (I at first thought it was virtual): Expression* Type::type_descriptor(Gogo* gogo, Type* type) { return type->do_type_descriptor(gogo, NULL); <<< -Wnonnull } and the call to it is below: Expression* Named_type::do_type_descriptor(Gogo* gogo, Named_type* name) { if (this->is_error_) return Expression::make_error(this->location_); if (name == NULL && this->is_alias_) { if (this->seen_alias_) return Expression::make_error(this->location_); this->seen_alias_ = true; Expression* ret = this->type_->type_descriptor(gogo, NULL); <<< this->seen_alias_ = false; return ret; } I'll leave it to Ian to confirm one way or the other.