kargl at gcc dot changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
         Resolution|---                         |INVALID
                 CC|                            |kargl at gcc dot
             Status|UNCONFIRMED                 |RESOLVED

--- Comment #4 from kargl at gcc dot ---
I think Eric Korpela may not know the Fortran standards.  Yes,
old compiler did dumb things, because it was/is difficult to
detect this violation of the Fortran standards.  Note, these
prohibitions are on the programmer.

F66 8.4.2

If an actual argument corresponds to a dummy argument that is
defined or redefined in the referenced subprogram, the actual
argument must be a variable name, an array element name, or an
array name.

F77 15.9.2

Actual arguments may be constants, symbolic names of constants,
function references, expressions involving operators, and
expressions enclosed in parentheses if and only if the associated
dummy argument is a variable that is not defined during execution
of the referenced external procedure.

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