Samuel Thibault <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
      Known to work|                            |9.3.0
      Known to fail|                            |10.1.0
             Target|                            |i386-linux-gnu
              Build|                            |i386-linux-gnu
               Host|                            |i386-linux-gnu

--- Comment #1 from Samuel Thibault <> ---
Here is the disassemble of -march=i386 -mtune=generic, which raises the

Dump of assembler code for function f:
   0x000011b9 <+0>:     push   %ebp
   0x000011ba <+1>:     mov    %esp,%ebp
   0x000011bc <+3>:     push   %ebx
   0x000011bd <+4>:     sub    $0x14,%esp
   0x000011c0 <+7>:     call   0x11b5 <__x86.get_pc_thunk.dx>
   0x000011c5 <+12>:    add    $0x2e3b,%edx
   0x000011cb <+18>:    mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax
   0x000011ce <+21>:    mov    %eax,-0x10(%ebp)
   0x000011d1 <+24>:    mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax
   0x000011d4 <+27>:    mov    %eax,-0xc(%ebp)
   0x000011d7 <+30>:    fldl   -0x10(%ebp)
   0x000011da <+33>:    fldz   
   0x000011dc <+35>:    fucompp 
   0x000011de <+37>:    fnstsw %ax
   0x000011e0 <+39>:    sahf   
   0x000011e1 <+40>:    setnp  %cl
   0x000011e4 <+43>:    fldz   
   0x000011e6 <+45>:    fcompl -0x10(%ebp)
   0x000011e9 <+48>:    fnstsw %ax
   0x000011eb <+50>:    sahf   
   0x000011ec <+51>:    setne  %al
   0x000011ef <+54>:    sub    $0x1,%eax
   0x000011f2 <+57>:    and    %ecx,%eax
   0x000011f4 <+59>:    movzbl %al,%eax
   0x000011f7 <+62>:    test   %eax,%eax
   0x000011f9 <+64>:    je     0x120f <f+86>
   0x000011fb <+66>:    sub    $0xc,%esp
   0x000011fe <+69>:    lea    -0x1ff8(%edx),%eax
   0x00001204 <+75>:    push   %eax
   0x00001205 <+76>:    mov    %edx,%ebx
   0x00001207 <+78>:    call   0x1040 <puts@plt>
   0x0000120c <+83>:    add    $0x10,%esp
   0x0000120f <+86>:    nop
   0x00001210 <+87>:    mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx
   0x00001213 <+90>:    leave  
   0x00001214 <+91>:    ret

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