--- Comment #15 from rguenther at suse dot de <rguenther at suse dot de> ---
On Tue, 21 Apr 2020, law at redhat dot com wrote:

> --- Comment #12 from Jeffrey A. Law <law at redhat dot com> ---
> SO it's not terrible to get the key block cleaned up.  but that's not
> sufficient to resolve this issue.  We all missed an important tidbit.
> VRP is complaining about this:
>   ps.D.2041.s = &MEM <byte> [(void *)&c + 7B];
> Note the object we reference in the &MEM expression, "c".  "c" is a byte:
> typedef unsigned char byte;
> byte c;
> One could argue the problem is FRE.  Prior to fre3 we had:
> ;;   basic block 9, loop depth 0
> ;;    pred:       7
>   _34 = ps.D.2041.s;
>   _35 = _34 + 7;
>   ps.D.2041.s = _35;
> fre3 turns that into:
>   ps.D.2041.s = &MEM <byte> [(void *)&c + 7B];
> And we're going to lose.
> One could also argue that the warning has to be tolerant of these actions from
> FRE.  The question would be how to do that without totally compromising the
> warning.

FRE does an identity transform.  That VRP does not warn
about POINTER_PLUS_EXPR &c + 7B (I think it would?) may be another
issue.  That is FRE does

   _34 = ps.D.2041.s;  ->  _34 = &c;
   _35 = _34 + 7;      ->  _35 = &c + 7; // propagatable form &MEM[&c + 7]
   ps.D.2041.s = _35;  ->  ps.D.2041.s = &MEM[&c + 7];

aka nothing wrong.

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