luoxhu at gcc dot changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |luoxhu at gcc dot

--- Comment #3 from luoxhu at gcc dot ---
"addi 8,4,-1" and "subf 9,8,5" could not be hoisted out as there are dependency
to "lbzu 9,1(8)". r8 need be initialized to p2-1 in each iteration of outer
loop. Only the result of subf 9,8,5 is loop invariant (p2+s-1)-(p2-1).

But the latest GCC code could be optimized as A, B, C is loop invariant.

        cmpwi 7,5,0
        li 6,0
        rldicl 5,5,0,32
        li 7,0
        .p2align 4,,15
        ble 7,.L7
        addi 8,5,-1       // A
        addi 10,4,-1
        rldicl 8,8,0,32   // B
        mr 9,3
        addi 8,8,1        // C
        mtctr 8
        .p2align 5
        lbzu 8,1(10)
        cmpw 0,8,7
        bne 0,.L3
        stw 6,0(9)
        addi 9,9,4
        bdnz .L4
        addi 6,6,88
        addi 7,7,1
        cmpwi 0,6,8888
        extsw 7,7
        extsw 6,6
        bne 0,.L2

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