markeggleston at gcc dot changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |markeggleston at gcc dot

--- Comment #4 from markeggleston at gcc dot ---
After applying the patch in comment 2 the ICE no longer occurs, however, it
reveals an error when using the shape intrinsic with the findloc intrinsic.

program test
  print *, findloc(shape([1, 2, 3, 4]), 4)
end program



i.e. 4 is not found in the array returned by shape.

shape does indeed return [ 4 ] but the expression representing the array does
not have a shape defined. This is why it is necessary to check for the
existence of shape in the original patch.

Adding a shape to the result expression addressed the issue and also means that
the original is not required:

diff --git a/gcc/fortran/simplify.c b/gcc/fortran/simplify.c
index 613fdafd1a6..59afb239af5 100644
--- a/gcc/fortran/simplify.c
+++ b/gcc/fortran/simplify.c
@@ -7228,6 +7228,8 @@ gfc_simplify_shape (gfc_expr *source, gfc_expr *kind)
     return NULL;

   result = gfc_get_array_expr (BT_INTEGER, k, &source->where);
+  result->shape = gfc_get_shape (1);
+  mpz_init (result->shape[0]);

   if (source->rank == 0)
     return result;
@@ -7284,6 +7286,8 @@ gfc_simplify_shape (gfc_expr *source, gfc_expr *kind)
   if (t)
     gfc_clear_shape (shape, source->rank);

+  mpz_set_si (result->shape[0], source->rank);
   return result;

There is some tidying up to do as pr77351.f90 now produces one error instead of

    4 |    print *, any(shape(z) /= [4,1])  ! { dg-error "shape for elemental
binary" }
      |                1          2
Error: Shapes for operands at (1) and (2) are not conformable


    4 |    print *, any(shape(z) /= [4,1])  ! { dg-error "shape for elemental
binary" }
      |                1
Error: Different shape for elemental binary operation at (1) on dimension 1 (1
and 2)

    4 |    print *, any(shape(z) /= [4,1])  ! { dg-error "shape for elemental
binary" }
      |                1
Error: Array operands are incommensurate at (1)

Final patch in preparation.

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