Hannes Hauswedell <h2+bugs at fsfe dot org> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
           Keywords|                            |ice-on-valid-code

--- Comment #5 from Hannes Hauswedell <h2+bugs at fsfe dot org> ---
Any news on this issue?

I have created up to date intermediate files here:

Compile with -std=c++17 -fconcepts -fopenmp -pthread -lz -lbz2 
On FreeBSD also -lexecinfo
On GCC7/8, also add /path/to/libstdc++fs.a

The code triggers ICEs in GCC8 and GCC9 but not in GCC7, so I am marking this
"ice-on-valid-code" and I would also consider it a regression.

These are the compiler versions tested:

WORKS: g++7 (FreeBSD Ports Collection) 7.5.0
ICEs: g++8 (FreeBSD Ports Collection) 8.3.0
ICEs: g++9 (FreeBSD Ports Collection) 9.2.1 20200118

Do you need anything else from me to confirm this issue?

Thank you very much!

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